On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 12:04 PM, Sergio Salvi <sergio.li...@salvi.ca> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 4:49 PM, Tobias Kremer <l...@funkreich.de> wrote:
>> On 20.11.2008, at 21:16, Sergio Salvi wrote:
>>> I still think the final solution (besides finding a way to make
>>> find_or_create() atomic), is to store flash data the session row
>>> (either on the same column of session or on a new, dedicated column).
>> Sergio++
>> FWIW, I rolled my own flash mechanism which does exactly that (store the
>> flash value in the session) and haven't looked back since. I've seen about 3
>> duplicate entry errors in the last 3 months opposed to several hundreds a
>> week with C::P::Session's flash method.
> I've committed the "flash in session" patch, please try it out:
> http://lists.scsys.co.uk/pipermail/catalyst-dev/2008-December/001573.html

I've applied both patches into this branch:

This is supposed to fix:

- duplicate key issue when using flash()
- session finalization order race condition

Please try it out :)

Sergio Salvi

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