jagdish eashwar wrote:
No I don't get any javascript error in the error log when I hit 'save', and it doesn't save the changes in the database either. Just nothing happens.
This might be obvious to you in which case I apologise, javascript errors do not appear in the (server) error log file. You need to check for errors client side.

Are you using something like Firefox and FireBug to test your javascript on your browser?


On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 9:34 PM, W. Tyler Gee <geek...@gmail.com <mailto:geek...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Is there a javascript error when you hit save or is it getting to
    the server? Where is your actual problem?

    On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 5:30 AM, jagdish eashwar
    <jagdish.eash...@gmail.com <mailto:jagdish.eash...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        Hi Peter,
        Thanks for writing in. It is really not my code at all. I have
        taken it all from the tutorial. I thought that people will get
        a better perspective if I referred them to the tutorial.
        Nevertheless, I am pasting code from the advent.js file below.
        ( I have made a few inconsequential changes though, like the
        values in the drop down etc.)

         * advent.js

        Ext.onReady(function() {

         var col_model = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel([
                    id:         'id',
                    header:     'ID',
                    dataIndex:  'id',
                    width:      40
                    id:         'name',
                    header:     'Name',
                    dataIndex:  'name',
                editor:     new Ext.form.TextField({
                        allowBlank:     false,
                    id:         'occupation',
                    header:     'Occupation',
                    dataIndex:  'occupation',
                    width:      70,
                    editor:     new Ext.form.ComboBox({
                        typeAhead:      true,
                        triggerAction:  'all',
                        transform:      'occpopup',
                        lazyRender:     true,
                        listClass:      'x-combo-list-small'

            col_model.defaultSortable = true;

            var People = Ext.data.Record.create([
                { name:    'id',        type: 'int'},
                { name: 'name',        type: 'string'},
                { name: 'occupation',    type: 'string'}

            var store = new Ext.data.JsonStore({
                url: gridurl,
                root: 'people',
                fields: People

        var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
                store:              store,
                cm:                 col_model,
                title:              'Edit Persons',
                width:              600,
                height:             300,
                frame:              true,
                autoExpandColumn:   'name',
                renderTo:           'datagrid',
                tbar:               [
{ text: 'New Person',
                        handler:        function() {
                            var p = new People({
                                name:           'Unnamed New Person',
                                occupation:    'Unknown',
                            store.insert( 0, p );
                            grid.startEditing( 0, 1 );
                        text:           'Save Changes',
                        handler:        function() {
                            var changes = new Array();
                            var dirty = store.getModifiedRecords();
                            for ( var i = 0 ; i < dirty.length ; i++ ) {
                                var id = dirty[i].get( 'id' );
                                var fields = dirty[i].getChanges();
                                fields.id <http://fields.id> =
        dirty[i].get( 'id' );
                                changes.push( fields );
                            console.log( changes );
                            submitChanges( changes );
                        text:           'Discard Changes',
                        handler:        function() {


        function submitChanges( data ) {
                    url:        posturl,
                    success:    function() { store.reload() },
                    params:     { changes: Ext.util.JSON.encode( data ) }

        gridurl and posturl are defined in index.tt2 pasted below. It
        also contains a link to advent.js.

        [% META title = 'Advent AJAX Grid' %]
        <script type = "text/javascript">
            var posturl = '[% Catalyst.uri_for("/people_data_submit") %]';
            var gridurl = '[% Catalyst.uri_for("/people_data") %]';
        [% js_link (src = '/static/advent.js') %]
        <div id = "datagrid"></div>
        <select id="occpopup" style="display: none">
        <option value="SBI">SBI</option>
        <option value="IBS">IBS</option>
        <option value="ICICI">ICICI</option>
        <option value="SELF">SELF</option>

        On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 7:41 PM, Peter Karman
        <pe...@peknet.com <mailto:pe...@peknet.com>> wrote:

            jagdish eashwar wrote on 04/16/2009 05:55 AM:
            > Hi,
            > I have been able to work through all of Jason Kohles'
            tutorial except the
            > part about saving changes back in the database.  The
            'New Person' and
            > 'Discard Changes' in the tool bar are working, but the
            'Save Changes' is
            > not. I have checked several times for any typing
            mistakes that I might have
            > committed, but that part of the code is not working for
            me.  I wonder if the
            > argument ('data') in the submitChanges function is to be
            substituted with
            > something more explicit by the reader. I will be glad to
            receive some help
            > and guidance.
            > I forgot to mention in my earlier post that the tutorial
            is available at
            > http://www.catalystframework.org/calendar/2007/9.

            Tip: you won't get any useful help until you show us your

            Peter Karman  .  pe...@peknet.com
            <mailto:pe...@peknet.com>  .  http://peknet.com/

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