On 03/11/2011, at 9:40 PM, Adam Jimerson wrote:

> The problem I see with doing it this way: $formatted_date_string =
> $c->model('DB::TableName')->find($row_index)->date_field->mdy('/'); is
> that It looks like I would
> have to do this every time I grab a date from the database.  That is fine
> but there are times in my app where I pull everything from the database to
> display like so:
> my $things = $c->stash->{mydata_rs}->search(
>       undef,
>       {
>               order_by => { -asc => 'uniq' },
>       },
> );

One option is to define a method in whatever Result class mydata_rs produces:

sub my_date_format {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->date_field->mdy('/');

then in your template:

[% WHILE (row = mydata_rs.next); row.my_date_format ; END %]

or you can just call the datetime methods in the template:

[% WHILE (row = mydata_rs.next); row.my_date_field.ymd('/') ; END %]

> where each item has a timestamp of when it was created and when it was last
> modified, would I have to do another search to get the datetime formatted
> or worse pull them one by one building a hash_ref or array?
> On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 6:04 AM, Tomas Doran <bobtf...@bobtfish.net> wrote:
>> On 3 Nov 2011, at 02:05, Adam Jimerson wrote:
>> but in my Catalyst app the
>>> date looks like this 2011-05-07T13:53:41.  The "T" instead of the space
>>> is driving me crazy, I think it is coming from DateTime::Format:Pg
>> As other people have noted, what's happening is that DateTime::Format:Pg
>> is parsing the dates you get out of Postgres, and handing you a DateTime
>> object back.
>> You're then printing that with no formatting, as you're basically getting
>> an ISO8601 timestamp out.
>> Have a look at the docs for DateTime and the associated
>> DateTime::Format::XX things :)
>> Cheers
>> t0m
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