On 3 Nov 2011, at 19:03, will trillich wrote:

In order to have 'perfect documentation' it must meet two criteria: A) explain the utility and usage (benefits and how-to) in a way that I can grok and B) show up on my radar in my searches. Both of these depend a helluva lot on my own activity and context, making compliance impossible. :)

Sometimes scar tissue is the only (best?) way to really learn.

Sure, I totally agree.

I'm also entirely certain that the documentation as it stands fails at meeting (or at least is way before the standard it could be) in your criteria for (A), and therefore will fail to meet a good many other people's version of the same criteria.

As someone who has 'just got it', you are absolutely the best placed person to modify the documentation to add to the benefits (and maybe provide an example) as to make it more clear to people, so that the documentation _will_ fulfill that criteria for a broader range of people who happen to read it in future.


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