Nice images you evoke. I am glad your birds have such safe, bushy perches and 
you get so much enjoyment. 


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On Mar 31, 2012, at 5:52 PM, Nancy W Dickinson <> wrote:

> Since this has been such a spectacular season for forsythia, I thought I'd 
> mention that my bird feeding area is flanked on both sides by large forsythia 
> bushes. In every season, the feeder birds find shelter there between 
> feedings, and when danger threatens.  Right now the bushes are beautiful AND 
> full of birds, and my FOY Chipping Sparrow just popped out of one for a few 
> minutes of pecking at the seed on the ground.  One of my bushes is ancient 
> and huge, and requires twice-a-year pruning (not to confine its shape, just 
> its size), but the other is only a few years old, an off-shoot of the older 
> one, and is a usual staging area for sparrows and juncos etc. on their way to 
> the feeder.  A cheap, simple landscaping plant! I recommend it.  (Also, in 
> cold winters, birds seem to eat the buds, and in those years, my forsythia 
> blooms in October!)
> Nancy Dickinson
> Mecklenburg
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