And the douche bags strike again.


[] On Behalf Of voice master
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2009 3:53 PM
Subject: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] Ver 3 passed


Thanks to everyone who has helped me to archieve the same.
I am so so so happy to get this ID, struggled from last 1 year.
Made 2 attempts on ver 2 but unsuccessful.
I have practise on, NLI workbook to learn the technology
which i do not know.
And at last the masters of voice ccie-voice-labs(dot)com they are really the
Heads off 2 them labs was same. 
I was trying to workout more on GK, SIP but after seeing thier lab there was
nothing much but yes call routing was difficult but i have done some
practise so thats fine.
It was a good experience. Now i will run behind CCIE wireless.
Thks once again to everyone.


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