Ok guys so I'm pretty new to the CCIE Voice Lab Prep experience - starting
to build the home lab.  I've read tons of stuff along the line of  'you need
3x 2811's, etc" and I've come to the group to ask - what do i REALLY need.
Not so much cards, modules etc (although that feedback is much welcome and
appreciated) - but from a router perspective.  Does HQ, and the BR sites
each need to really be 2811's to run the scenarios?  Why not a 3725, etc? Is
it hardware module support (lack thereof) - if so, for which modules give
the grief as far as support goes? I know I can't skimp on everything - but
certainly there have to be some compromises that could be made.  If there
aren't - tell me why - that answer is just as valuable in the learning

I'm just starting to browse the lab guides, so forgive me if this is covered
elsewhere (and if so, kindly reference the location).

Thanks guys!

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