
I would get familiar with all the options to acquire the results.

GW - show call active voice and debugh225 asn1
CUCM enable h225/245 trace and tail the sdi recent log on CLI or use RTMT

For MTP/DSP there is was a good forum discussion a while back you can
search for it.


On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 8:45 PM, Karen Johnson <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>wrote:

> Thanks Edgar, what is your detailed "dspfarm profile mtp" look like ?
> -how many session needed ?  I also curios what factor determine "max
> session for xcode, cfb, this mtp ?
> -so "sh call acti voice" is not enough, we still need to "debug h225 asn
> 1" ?
> tks
> K
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Edgar Feliz <ejzi...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Karen Johnson <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>
> *Cc:* "ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com" <ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 4, 2013 6:41:32 PM
> *Subject:* Re: fast start H323 failed
> Karen,
> From what I hear you have to show both inbound and outbound F/S: I would
> check both to be safe.
> Edgar
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Karen Johnson 
> <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>wrote:
> hi Edgar,
> you right, i see it now.
> Question :
> - CM- enabled inbound and outbound F/S , do we need to check both ?  as I
> try to check one and it also works.
> - for test call, incoming to Ip Phone or outgoing doesn't matter ,right ?
> What they want in exam  In or out ?
> tks
> k
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Edgar Feliz <ejzi...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Karen Johnson <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>
> *Cc:* "ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com" <ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com>
> *Sent:* Thursday, July 4, 2013 3:12:00 PM
> *Subject:* Re: fast start H323 failed
> Karen,
> Here is is the "sh call active voice" output from a call from pstn to my
> SB-Ph1
> 1- R2 -I do not do anything with voice service voip - I "call start fast"
> is default you do not need to do anything.
> 2- CM- enabled inbound and outbound F/S
> R2#show clock
> 16:08:38.881 DST Thu Jul 4 2013
> R2#sh call active voice
> Telephony call-legs: 1
> SIP call-legs: 0
> H323 call-legs: 1
> Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
> SCCP call-legs: 0
> Multicast call-legs: 0
> Media call-legs: 0
> Total call-legs: 2
> SetupTime=1340160 ms
> Index=1
> PeerAddress=
> PeerSubAddress=
> PeerId=1
> PeerIfIndex=46
> LogicalIfIndex=12
> ConnectTime=1342160 ms
> CallDuration=00:01:05 sec
> CallState=4
> CallOrigin=2
> ChargedUnits=0
> InfoType=speech
> TransmitPackets=3283
> TransmitBytes=551544
> ReceivePackets=3279
> ReceiveBytes=524640
> ConnectionId=[0x9410023C 0xE42411E2 0x80060025 0x45D31A08]
> IncomingConnectionId=[0x9410023C 0xE42411E2 0x80060025 0x45D31A08]
> CallID=21
> Port=0/0/0:23 (21)
> BearerChannel=0/0/0.1
> TxDuration=65580 ms
> VoiceTxDuration=65580 ms
> FaxTxDuration=0 ms
> CoderTypeRate=g711ulaw
> NoiseLevel=-48
> ACOMLevel=9
> OutSignalLevel=-46
> InSignalLevel=-44
> InfoActivity=1
> ERLLevel=9
> SessionTarget=
> ImgPages=0
> CallerName=Emergency Services
> CallerIDBlocked=False
> LongDurationCallDetected=no
> LongDurCallTimeStamp=
> LongDurCallDuration=
> OriginalCallingNumber=
> OriginalCallingOctet=0x0
> OriginalCalledNumber=4083873001
> OriginalCalledOctet=0xA1
> OriginalRedirectCalledNumber=
> OriginalRedirectCalledOctet=0xFF
> TranslatedCallingNumber=
> TranslatedCallingOctet=0x0
> TranslatedCalledNumber=3001
> TranslatedCalledOctet=0xA1
> TranslatedRedirectCalledNumber=
> TranslatedRedirectCalledOctet=0xFF
> GwReceivedCalledNumber=4083873001
> GwReceivedCalledOctet3=0xA1
> DSPIdentifier=0/1:1
> SetupTime=1340390 ms
> Index=1
> PeerAddress=3001
> PeerSubAddress=
> PeerId=3001
> PeerIfIndex=52
> LogicalIfIndex=0
> ConnectTime=1342140 ms
> CallDuration=00:01:06 sec
> CallState=4
> CallOrigin=1
> ChargedUnits=0
> InfoType=speech
> TransmitPackets=3309
> TransmitBytes=529440
> ReceivePackets=3313
> ReceiveBytes=530080
> ConnectionId[0x9410023C 0xE42411E2 0x80060025 0x45D31A08]
> IncomingConnectionId[0x9410023C 0xE42411E2 0x80060025 0x45D31A08]
> CallID=23
> RemoteIPAddress=
> RemoteUDPPort=16578
> RemoteSignallingIPAddress=
> RemoteSignallingPort=1720
> RemoteMediaIPAddress=
> RemoteMediaPort=16578
> RoundTripDelay=0 ms
> SelectedQoS=best-effort
> tx_DtmfRelay=h245-alphanumeric
> FastConnect=TRUE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Fast-Start <<<<<<<<<
> AnnexE=FALSE
> Separate H245 Connection=TRUE
> H245 Tunneling=FALSE
> SessionProtocol=cisco
> ProtocolCallId=
> SessionTarget=ipv4:
> OnTimeRvPlayout=66110
> GapFillWithSilence=0 ms
> GapFillWithPrediction=0 ms
> GapFillWithInterpolation=0 ms
> GapFillWithRedundancy=0 ms
> HiWaterPlayoutDelay=65 ms
> LoWaterPlayoutDelay=55 ms
> TxPakNumber=3308
> TxSignalPak=0
> TxComfortNoisePak=0
> TxDuration=66160
> TxVoiceDuration=66160
> RxPakNumber=3310
> RxSignalPak=0
> RxComfortNoisePak=0
> RxDuration=66160
> RxVoiceDuration=66110
> RxOutOfSeq=0
> RxLatePak=0
> RxEarlyPak=1
> RxBadProtocol=0
> PlayDelayCurrent=55
> PlayDelayMin=55
> PlayDelayMax=65
> PlayDelayClockOffset=-1506743064
> PlayDelayJitter=0 ms
> PlayErrPredictive=0
> PlayErrInterpolative=0
> PlayErrSilence=0
> PlayErrBufferOverFlow=30
> PlayErrRetroactive=2
> PlayErrTalkspurt=0
> OutSignalLevel=-50
> InSignalLevel=-48
> LevelTxPowerMean=0
> LevelRxPowerMean=0
> LevelBgNoise=0
> ERLLevel=9
> ACOMLevel=9
> ErrRxDrop=0
> ErrTxDrop=0
> ErrTxControl=0
> ErrRxControl=0
> ReceiveDelay=55 ms
> LostPackets=0
> EarlyPackets=1
> LatePackets=0
> SRTP = off
> TextRelay = off
> VAD = disabled
> CoderTypeRate=g711ulaw
> CodecBytes=160
> Media Setting=flow-through
> AlertTimepoint=1340730 ms
> CallerName=Emergency Services
> CallerIDBlocked=False
> OriginalCallingNumber=
> OriginalCallingOctet=0x0
> OriginalCalledNumber=3001
> OriginalCalledOctet=0xA1
> OriginalRedirectCalledNumber=
> OriginalRedirectCalledOctet=0xFF
> TranslatedCallingNumber=
> TranslatedCallingOctet=0x0
> TranslatedCalledNumber=3001
> TranslatedCalledOctet=0xA1
> TranslatedRedirectCalledNumber=
> TranslatedRedirectCalledOctet=0xFF
> GwReceivedCalledNumber=4083873001
> GwReceivedCalledOctet3=0xA1
> GwOutpulsedCalledNumber=3001
> GwOutpulsedCalledOctet3=0xA1
> MediaInactiveDetected=no
> MediaInactiveTimestamp=
> MediaControlReceived=
> LongDurationCallDetected=no
> LongDurCallTimestamp=
> LongDurcallDuration=
> Username=
> Telephony call-legs: 1
> SIP call-legs: 0
> H323 call-legs: 1
> Call agent controlled call-legs: 0
> SCCP call-legs: 0
> Multicast call-legs: 0
> Media call-legs: 0
> Total call-legs: 2
> R2#
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Karen Johnson 
> <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>wrote:
> hi Edgar and all,
> Here is what I did and still not able to see "Fast Connect= True". (still
> show FALSE)
> - MRM SB : SB-xcode  (also try with MTP)
> - MRGL SB assigned to SB-GW H323.
> - checked "Inbound Fast start "  and "Outbound Fast Start"
> when i call from SB phone to 911 and vice versa. I did not see  Fast Start.
> - Can you write correct detailed steps here?
> tks
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Edgar Feliz <ejzi...@gmail.com>
> *To:* Karen Johnson <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>
> *Cc:* "ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com" <ccie_voice@onlinestudylist.com>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 3, 2013 6:20:55 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [OSL | CCIE_Voice] fast start H323
> Karen See below for fast connect... Make sure you are looking at the
> section that has the RemoteIPAddress with the IP address of the CM. Also
> did you enable F/S on the CM?
> ConnectionId[0x43E821AF 0xB06B11E2 0x80020025 0x45D31A08]
> IncomingConnectionId[0x43E821AF 0xB06B11E2 0x80020025 0x45D31A08]
> CallID=7
> RemoteIPAddress=
> RemoteUDPPort=17628
> RemoteSignallingIPAddress=
> RemoteSignallingPort=1720
> RemoteMediaIPAddress=
> RemoteMediaPort=17628
> RoundTripDelay=0 ms
> SelectedQoS=best-effort
> tx_DtmfRelay=h245-alphanumeric
> FastConnect=TRUE  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< fast Start
> Edgar
> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 7:20 PM, Karen Johnson 
> <karen.johnson...@yahoo.ca>wrote:
> experts,
> i have configure H323 GW to be  "Fast start"  by using Transcoder and
> enable "fast start" under service voip in IOS GW.
> however when i make call and verified using " sh call acti voice" and
> looking at "Fast Connect"= False.
> - is there any thing else needed to make this work ?
> - what is the right steps to implement this  :  Inbound Fast Start to UCM
> and Outbound Fast Start from UCM ?
> tks
> K
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