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This is indirectly crystallization-related:

Can anyone comment on the usefulness of Poros MC resin for purification of His-tagged proteins, especially in comparison to the various Amersham products? I'm dealing with a protein that is happiest with 20% glycerol in the initial buffer, and this makes any FPLC- or pump-based purification very slow due to the relatively low pressure tolerance of Sepharose media. The Poros ion exchange resin works very well and is both robust and cheap, but the MC resin is about 5 times more expensive than anything else I've found. Other than the price, is there any reason not to use it?

(For what it's worth, batch purification with Sepharose works relatively well for me, but I've found it too cumbersome in practice and I'm trying to scale up with multiple constructs in this particular case.)


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