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Ibrahim M. Moustafa wrote:

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Hi bb,

I wonder if there is a program, server, script that can analyze the pdb file to enlist the missing residues (for the case in my hand, REMARK 465 is absent from the pdb file while the structure is full of gaps!). I looked in utility programs like moleman2, pdbset, and tried to google but couldn't find a suitable tool.


Ibrahim M.Moustafa, Ph.D.
Pennsylvania State University
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Dept.
201 Althouse Lab.
University Park, PA16802

Tel  (814) 863 8703
Fax (814) 865 7927

You could use the EBI-SSM server http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/ssm/ and run a secondary structure matching. It will try to match the structure to it's closest know relative and print out a sequence alignment. You can do this also with other 3d alignment programs e.g. Tcoffee etc. http://igs-server.cnrs-mrs.fr/Tcoffee/tcoffee_cgi/index.cgi

You will still have to look at the output but you will quickly see which parts are missing in your structure.


Jürgen Bosch
University of Washington
Dept. of Biochemistry, K-426
1705 NE Pacific Street
Seattle, WA 98195
Box 357742
Phone:   +1-206-616-4510
FAX:     +1-206-685-7002

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