Hi Jay,

Maybe try to use the the rhombohedral setting (space group R32:R, with unit cell 229,229,229,81,81,81 ) rather than the hexagonal one used now. Depending on the fft algorithm used to compute structure factors for your partial model, this can save you a chuck off memory/time.

You can reindex the data and change the model relatively straightforward reflecting the new set of basis vectors.



Jay Thompson wrote:
The cell is quite big. 300 x 300 x 450 A, 90, 90, 120 (R32). I'm using the entire resolution range at the moment, but I've just set up another job with a reduced resolution range. So we'll see how this goes. I only get this error message when I do a run with Phaser with this partial known solution fixed. It also does the rotation function fine, but fails at the translation. Any other suggestions or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks


On 5/17/07, *Tim Grune* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:


    what resolution range do you use? You can try reducing it a little.
    How big is your cell?

    On Friday 18 May 2007 13:46, Jay Thompson wrote:
     > Hi,
     > Thanks for the suggestions and quick reply.  Suggestions work great!
     > But I have another problem and looking back at the ccp4bb, I see that
     > Elenor had a similar problem late last year.  The error message is as
     > follows:
     > <B><FONT COLOR="#FF8800">
     > ----------------------------------
     > OUT OF MEMORY ERROR: St9bad_alloc
     > ----------------------------------
     > </FONT></B>
     > <!--SUMMARY_END-->
     > --------------------
     > --------------------
     > CPU Time: 0 days 0 hrs 19 mins 53.80 secs (1193.80 secs)
     > Finished: Thu May 17 20:28:14 2007
     > </pre>
     > </html>
     > The only suggestion from the ccp4bb threads that I could see was
    to try
     > running it on a different computer with more memory.  I've tried
     > the job on two different Mac G5 and I get the same error
    message.  The
     > computers that I have are pretty new and have 2 GB of SDRAM.  I'm
     > that I have a memory problem.  I'm also using the Phaser 1.3.3 (I'm
     > assuming this is the latest version).  Thanks for all your help, in
     > advance.
     > Jay
     > On 5/17/07, Jay Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
     > > Hi,
     > >
     > > I have a question with molecular replacement using Phaser.  I'm
    trying to
     > > solve a complex and I have a partial molecular replacement solution
     > > solved using another program.  This solution is correct and
    makes up ~50%
     > > of the entire complex.  I wanted to fix this solution and
    search for
     > > another small fragment of the complex using Phaser.  I've been
     > > the Phaser manual and it seems that I cannot input a pdb with this
     > > partial solution and tell the program to fix this molecule.  It
     > > that fixed solutions can be only input by putting in its Euler
    angles and
     > > fractional coordinate
     > > translations.  Is this correct that I cannot input a pdb and
    fix it?  If
     > > I cannot do this, then is there a quick way to identify the
    euler angles
     > > and coordinate translations for Phaser.
     > >
     > > Thanks a lot!!
     > >
     > > Jay

    Tim Grune
    Australian Synchrotron
    800 Blackburn Road
    Clayton, VIC 3168

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