Yes, thanks, that does it for the, but not for any of the
rest.  It would be great to have such a feature globally.

mb1pja wrote:
> Dear Bill
> William Scott wrote
>> Aqua simply behaves by slightly different rules.  Although I am a
>> slobbering OS X fan, this lack of customizability to me, as well as
>> a lack
>> of focus-follows-mouse, it a negative.
> To get focus-follows-mouse in Aqua, type the following in your
> Terminal window:
> defaults write FocusFollowsMouse -string YES
> and then logout and log in again or quit and restart Terminal.
> I had thought I originally got that useful hint from your own fabulous
> PX on OSX pages but clearly not.
> best wishes
> Pete Artymiuk
> On 20 Jan 2008, at 15:39, William Scott wrote:
>> Hi David:
>> david lawson (JIC) wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> Sorry for the slightly off-topic subject.
>>> We have recently bought a few iMacs for crystallography. I'm not
>>> keen on
>>> the supplied "mighty mouse"
>> May I have them?
>>> so I have switched to using a microsoft
>>> 3-button wheel mouse. I would like to configure it so that it
>>> behaves as
>>> it would with other unix systems such as RH Linux.
>> You managed to use "Microsoft", "behaved" and "Linux" (albeit RH)
>> all in
>> one sentence without a hint of irony.
>>> i.e.
>>> (1) double-clicking with LH button on a file name selects ALL of the
>>> file name, not just up to the first full stop.
>> Although your choice of Microsoft products shows dedication to a
>> company
>> with a firm reputation for placing the customizability needs of its
>> customers ahead of its own desire to make profits, the first thing to
>> realize is that you should never ever ever install their drivers.
>> Ever. So
>> if you did, take them out, now, and reboot. I'll wait.  It is still
>> early
>> Sunday morning here.
>>> (2) clicking the scroll wheel pastes the selected text AND it can be
>>> done multiple times without re-selecting.
>> When you've gotten rid of the drivers, this should now work. In
>> Apple's
>> Terminal program (as of 10.5) and iTerm (as of 1215), you just set the
>> preference to do middle-button-paste and left-button select, and
>> Blair's
>> your uncle. Unfortunately, in pretty much every other application I
>> can
>> think of on OS X, this, sadly, does not work, and there is nothing
>> Steve
>> Gates will let you do about it.
>>> (2) I would like these functions to work in terminal windows, the
>>> ccp4i
>>> gui and web pages (and probably a few other things I haven't
>>> thought of
>>> yet!) AND be able to transfer the selected text between applications.
>> I'd like to be at my ideal high-school weight, be paid more than a
>> postdoc, and, well ...  Getting the OS X gui to play nice with X11 is
>> sometimes challenging.  With the exception of Terminal and iTerm,
>> you have
>> to explicitly put stuff in the copy/paste buffer (command-C) before
>> it is
>> in the system clipboard.  Then you can paste to X11 programs with a
>> middle-button click, but this only works if you uninstalled that viral
>> driver. Going from X11 to aqua programs requires selecting the text
>> in the
>> usual X11 manner but explicitly issuing the paste command (command-
>> p).  If
>> you are using KDE X11 applications, you are really in for headaches.
>> To get whole-string selection in iTerm or Terminal, there is a
>> preference
>> setting that allows you to input which characters you want to have
>> considered parts of a "word" for click-to-select purposes.
>> Unfortunately,
>> pretty much every other application lacks this customizability, and
>> I know
>> of no system-wide preference setting that would enable you to do this
>> globally.
>> Aqua simply behaves by slightly different rules.  Although I am a
>> slobbering OS X fan, this lack of customizability to me, as well as
>> a lack
>> of focus-follows-mouse, it a negative.
>> If you really need the canonical linux behavior, you can install
>> gnome,
>> xfce4, KDE, enlightenment, or any number of other window managers via
>> fink. I've found KDE buggy and the XFCE4 is way out of date.  Gnome is
>> probably the best bet, and there is a major effort now to bring it
>> completely up to date in fink.
>>> I have installed the microsoft intellipoint drivers that seem to give
>>> more control over configuring the various buttons through "system
>>> preferences", but I still can't get what I want.
>> Therein lies the problem, I am afraid. OS X will behave better using
>> the
>> default settings.  It may be possible to tinker around with the
>> driver,
>> including separate settings in X11, to recover canonical behavior,
>> but for
>> purposes of sanity, uninstall them first, get everything working as
>> best
>> as possible, verify middle-button-paste works in X11, verify X11
>> coot and
>> pymol do the right thing, and then if you need additional
>> functionality,
>> reinstall the drivers, verify things like coot and pymol still use the
>> middle button correctly, or adjust until they do, and only then try
>> customizing.
>> Best of luck!
>> Bill
>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>>> Many thanks
>>> Dave Lawson
>>> -------------------------------
>>> Dr. David M. Lawson
>>> Biological Chemistry Dept.,
>>> John Innes Centre,
>>> Norwich,
>>> NR4 7UH, UK.
>>> Tel: +44-(0)1603-450725
>>> Fax: +44-(0)1603-450018
>>> Web:

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