Sorry for this non-CCP4 question, but I know no better venue to ask this:

Do people see detergent spherulites or other artifacts in crystal screens in the presence of dodecyl-maltoside or other detergents? Are there any papers about this? I have seen some papers talking about the relationships between salt, temp, cmc, and cloud points, but nothing on precisely this topic (detergent-related crystallization artifacts).

Best Regards,

Jacob Keller

ps. in passing, it seems like it would be a great idea to get together an excel database of all false-positive results (e.g. phosphate salt crystals) commonly found in the usual crystal screens. One could then search it to see whether one's current crystallization conditions have be villified in the past.

Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program
Dallos Laboratory
F. Searle 1-240
2240 Campus Drive
Evanston IL 60208
lab: 847.491.2438
cel: 773.608.9185

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