Dear Olga,

I have also encountered the same problem. Find below a script which will automate the superposition of one protomer onto the others.

Best wishes


Superposition script :-

#!/usr/bin/tcsh -f

grep -v -E '^END' Aorig.pdb > new.pdb

rm mat1.mat

foreach chain_name ( B C D E F G H I J )

# Superposition of A on chain_name
superpose Aorig.pdb tot.pdb -s ${chain_name} Aon${chain_name}.pdb | grep -A 4 Rx >> mat1.mat

# Changing chain name to ${chain_name}
pdbset xyzin Aon${chain_name}.pdb xyzout ${chain_name}.pdb <<eof
CHAIN $chain_name

grep -E "^ATOM  "  ${chain_name}.pdb >> new.pdb

rm Aon${chain_name}.pdb


Olga Boudker wrote:
Dear all,
I am working with a relatively low res. crystal structure with multiple protomers in the asymmetric unit related by NCS. I am currently running rounds manual model building in Coot and refinement using Refmac5. Could anybody suggest a shortcut for the following procedure: I start with an initial model containing all protomers; generate NCS operators for A to B, A to C et c.; rebuild protomer A; use the operators and the rebuilt A to generate all other protomers; and combine them all in a single pdb file. Currently I do all that manually using lsqkab and text edit and it is really painful. Is there an available routine to do this? For various reasons I would like to stick with Refmac5 rather then CNS, in which of course the symmetry would have been easier to implement.
Many thanks,


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