Ian Tickle schrieb:
I go along with all Eckhard's cautionary advice & particularly his
suggestion that all restraint info be deposited, as without that it's
impossible to reproduce the experiment! - the restraint info (both
target values & weights or s.d.'s) is literally just as important as the
X-ray data.  The only problem is that it's not possible to do that under
the present scheme of depositing co-ordinates & structure factors in the
PDB (or is it?).
Well, you can upload the additional files during the deposition, and I just assumed that they would be accessible somewhere. But I just realized, that you cannot access them on the pdb, so they will probably be thrown away after the curation.
I would strongly suggest to

a) make this a separate option during deposition
b) link these data on the "download files" section
c) also link these in the "geometry" section

But maybe someone from the pdb could comment on the proper way to deal with this. Maybe we are overlooking something?


Eckhard Hofmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ruhr-Uni Bochum
AG Proteinkristallographie, LS Biophysik, ND04/316
44780 Bochum
Tel: +49-(0)234/32-24463, Sekr. -24461, FAX: -14762

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