This usually means that you have to install the header files for your kernel. They come in a separate package, but I don't know its name for Ubuntu. The Debian package is called linux-headers-$(uname -r) (where 'uname -r' issued at the command line returns the version of the current kernel), maybe it's the same with Ubuntu.

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Chris Ulens wrote:

I'm trying to install a nVidia Quadro FX3000 card on a PC running Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid.

I run into the following error when I install drivers I downloaded from the nVidia site: The installer fails to find a kernel interface from the nvidia ftp site and fails to compile the kernel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and best wishes.


Attached is the complete log file.


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