
Sacha just threw another wrench into that discourse. Seems we are
also faced with a duality problem here:

Coming from a mathematical point of view treating F as a complex number,

structure factor magnitude or 
structure factor modulus
is more logical and more direct.

If you are taking the physical pov (let's not go into detail there, btw)
*interpreting* the complex number as wave description
(and here I must say Ian's point wrt song title/name is well taken)  

structure factor amplitude 

is more logical.

Best, BR

Dear Bernhard,

First of all, happy new year !

 > I am getting conflicting comments on the use of
 > 'structure factor amplitude'
 > vs. just
 > 'structure amplitude' for |F|.

Even when "structure factor amplitude" (or "magnitude", following some 
english-speaking persons?? If I am right I learned that M.Woolfson prefers 
"magnitude". My English is too poor to judge) seems to be long, it seems to 
be correct and have a clear meaning. That is not the case for "structure 
amplitude". In that sens I agree with Ethan and Pavel.

With best wishes !


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