
If you were desperate for BRUTE, I could probably dig out the source code. My somewhat newer program BEAST also does a brute-force search, and you could get that by downloading an older version of CCP4 or, again, directly from me.

Our new program Phaser also has brute-force rotation and translation search options, in addition to the faster FFT-based searches. If you wanted to do a full 6D brute-force search for a molecule, you'd have to use some tricks, but it would be possible.

However, the reason we suggested to CCP4 that they should deprecate BEAST is that we haven't found a case where doing a brute-force search solves a structure that can't be solved faster with Phaser using the fast search methods. (If anyone has such a case, we'd be delighted to learn what it has to teach us!)

Is there a particular reason you'd like to try a brute-force search?


Randy Read

On Jan 24 2009, Xie Jiabao wrote:

Dear all,

From where can I download the molecular replacement program BRUTE? What are the other brute force programs for molecular replacement out there?

Thanks in advance,


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