We have a little internal project
where we want to compare the quality of
data reduced with HKL2000 and 
IMOSFLM (mosflm) to 1.3 A. Unfortunately, imosflm 
with its standard settings crashes always
even at lower resolution whereas HKL2000
is rock stable.
Why is that so? Any experience with that?

Data collected at a synchrotron,
axis set to reversephi in imosflm 
(newest release). Suse Linux, 
Swap space 2 GB.

Anyway, even if (i)mosflm looses 
orientation, it should complain and
not crash. 


Dr.habil. Marius Schmidt
Asst. Professor
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Department of Physics Room 454
1900 E. Kenwood Blvd.
Milwaukee, WI 53211

phone: +1-414-229-4338
email: m-schm...@uwm.edu

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