Looks like a problem with your file.
Can you try:
od -a scala_protein_3_001_180.mtz | head
If your file is an mtz file, you should get output starting a bit like this:
0000000 M T Z sp ! o etx nul D A nul nul nul nul nul nul
If that is OK, then try:
strings scala_protein_3_001_180.mtz | tail -1
If you file has not be truncated, you should see the full MTZ headers of
the file.
Andreas Forster wrote:
Dear all,
I'm converting intensities from scala to amplitudes with ctruncate like so:
ctruncate -mtzin scala_protein_3_001_180.mtz -colin "/*/*/[IMEAN,SIGIMEAN]"
The data are native. An mtz file is generated, and it looks ok, but
ctruncate doesn't terminate properly. Instead, after Anisotropy
analysis, the following error is reported:
CCP4 library signal mtz:No architecture information in file. (Warning)
raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
CCP4 library signal mtz:File not identified as MTZ (Error)
raised in MtzGet <<<<<<
Segmentation fault
This happens with ctruncate in ccp4 6.1.0 and with ctruncate
downloaded from ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/nds/bin/ctruncate, both on RHEL
Should I be concerned?
Andreas Förster
Macromolecular Structure and Function
Imperial College London