Hi Fred,

you can do all this in PHENIX, using command line or the GUI.

- GUI: from main PHENIX GUI click on "Comprehensive validation", the rest should be obvious.

- also, all these values are computed and available after any phenix.refine run using PHENIX GUI.

- command line: type "phenix.real_space_correlation" and hit Enter, then follow instructions.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems.

Good luck,

On 11/17/09 7:08 AM, Vellieux Frederic wrote:
Dear all,

I am writing because I have a question that concerns coot or ccp4 (don't know which one). I have 2 maps and one model. One of the map is an experimental map that has not seen one inch of a model, the second map is generated after refinement of a molecular replacement model. Same molecule, obviously. They both look good. I am trying to find out which of the 2 maps is the most informative. Hence I wish to compute a global (real space) correlation coefficient "a la Alwyn Jones". In fact 2 sets of numbers per map : an average real space correlation coefficient, and a residue-per-residue correlation coefficient. The average real space correlation coefficient I can easily compute if I have the residue-by-residue real space correlation coefficients by writing a small jiffy program. I'm sure that someone must have done this. I suppose I could use CNS, but it's a bit tedious with having to generate the mtf file... Hence I am looking for something simpler. I did not see anything in the Phenix GUI.

Any way of doing what I want in coot? Or in ccp4i?



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