I just scrapped most of my answer, Robbie was quicker, and I guess Gerard is on holiday ;-)
As 'honorary Dutch' though here are my two cents.

 It is only fair that a well-informed and well-educated human
being can do a better job than a fixed-frozen automated procedure.

This is exactly the whole problem Niko.

I must say that a certain proportion of the PDB depositors, are neither well-informed nor well-educated. Else, I cannot see why anyone in his right mind would put 'waters' 1.8 A from a Ca in 2009 (see Robbie's email) or create O-O clashes of 2.4 A in 2008 (where a simple peptide flip would make two perfect hydrogen bonds), etc etc.

Would be easy to blame it to students that spend three or four years cloning before they get a structure that ends up with many mistakes in the PDB. PIs here carry most (if not all) of the blame: many are simply not competent to supervise crystallographic projects (see some CCP4 questions to see what I mean ...), a few are too busy (thus they should not be supervising PhD students if they lack the time), some make honest mistakes (ehm ... just in case somebody finds any errors in my lab's structures ...), and many do a
good job and educate good students. But errors in the PDB accumulate.

Recently, I had a look, together with Robbie, at my good-old chitinase (1994). Thats a pre-likelihood structure. Simple re-refinement with Robbie's tools (and some new tricks, also automated) and the script does in this 2.3 A structure a better job than I did as a PhD student, pushing it from the 48% of MolProbity to 98%. And I dont think that me or my supervisors could had done a better job at that time, sharing night shifts in an Indy and an ESV, with PROLSQ/PROTIN. So, I am more than happy if an automated procedure in 2009 can tell me that this job can be done better with new tools.

Finally, validation tools are not there to pass judgement. They are tools to be used by depositors, referees, and users alike, to help them make a better informed interpretation of crystallographic *models*. Servers like EDS and PDB_REDO
must be seen in that light,

Take care -


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