You can download the latest download from 
"". The latest version is 
Xcode 3.2.2 and iPhone SDK 3.2Apr 3, 2010


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--- On Fri, 4/9/10, Raja Dey <> wrote:

From: Raja Dey <>
Subject: [ccp4bb] fink update
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 3:21 PM

   Sorry for a non-ccp4 question. I hope there is someone who can solve the 
problem. I was trying to update fink and I got the following error.

rajadey$ fink update-all
Information about 9999 packages read in 2 seconds.

fink needs help picking an alternative to satisfy a virtual dependency. The

(1)    db48-aes: Berkeley DB embedded database - crypto
(2)    db48: Berkeley DB embedded database - non crypto

Pick one: [1] 
Can't resolve dependency "xcode (>= 3.1.2)" for package "gcc44-4.4.2-1000" (no
matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.

Should I select the non crypto candidate?
Thanking you in advance...



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