On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Ed Pozharski <epozh...@umaryland.edu>wrote:

> One can also release structure in the PDB prior to submission - I
> believe the HPUB option is rarely (if ever) justified.

What's to prevent your closest competitor from downloading the structure and
using it to solve and refine his or her own data?  Then all they need to do
is call their buddies from grad school who are now senior journal editors,
and weasel their way into a high-profile article with minimal review.
 Surely everyone who has spent time in academia knows at least one tenured
professor who does this.  In principle, I mostly agree with your argument,
but you'd need to convince all journals to agree to an embargo period for
released-but-unpublished PDB entries - and it would still be very difficult
to enforce.  The PDB's current rules aren't always optimal, but it's not
even close to as big a mess as science publishing.


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