Thank you, Victor !

        It is my many-years complain, and I tried to point it out orally at a 
number of conferences many times concerning both the publications and 
presenting results in posters. Very-very often we see a structure "as given" 
with no comments which (often very multiple and sophisticate!) computer and 
theoretical tools were exploited to obtain it. After this there is no surprise 
that :

- developers of methods are poorly supported except of a few "big factories" 
(my impression; maybe I'm wrong ?)

- scientific administration believes that in crystallography "already 
everything is done", that it is no more a science but a pure routine

Obviously, there are barriers beyond which citation are useless, but at least 
some basic references must be always done.
I think that the group leaders should play the major role to correct the 
situation described by Victor, to make always proper citations and to stop 
cutting the branch on which we all together are sitting on.

With best wishes,

Sacha Urzhumtsev


-----Message d'origine-----
De : CCP4 bulletin board [] De la part de Victor 
Envoyé : mercredi 17 novembre 2010 17:06
Objet : [ccp4bb] Citations in supplementary material

Dear All,

I would like to bring to your attention the recent Editorial in Acta 
Cryst D (, 
which highlights the long-standing issue of under-citation of papers 
published in the IUCr journals. The Editorial, having looked at the 
papers published in 2009 in Nature, Science, Cell and PNAS, concluded:

'almost half of all references to publications in IUCr journals end up 
being published in the supplementary material only... Not only does this 
mean that the impact factor of IUCr journals should be higher, but also 
that the real overall numbers of citations of methods papers are much 
higher than what is reported, for instance, by the Web of Science'

Although this topic may seem to concern mostly methods developers, I 
think the whole research community will only benefit from more fair 
credit that we all give to our colleagues via referencing their 
publications. What do you think?


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