Dear Dr. Kelly Daughtry,

Thanks for your help.
The enzyme I am working on now functions as a dimmer and the active site is 
located at the interface. In previously published homology structures, there is 
one dimmer in the ASU and the dimmer has a tight NCS.  With C2221, the dimmer 
formed by symmetry mates fits the homology dimmer very very well. It is hard 
for me to understand how a enzyme can has such a crystallographic dimmer. 

I am not good with Phenix, so I only tried xtriage to check the data set. With 
C2221, the twin test gives a good Z score which is much smaller than the critic 
3.5, while with P212121, the Z score is high (>10). I didn't go further.

The maps look just the same between the two space groups.

----- 原始邮件 -----
发件人: "Kelly Daughtry" <>
收件人: "Xiaopeng Hu" <>
发送时间: 星期四, 2010年 12 月 02日 上午 12:05:08
主题: Re: [ccp4bb] Space group and R/Rfree value

Sorry, I meant with the P212121 refinement. You mentioned that it is probably 
twinned. Including the twin law in refinement with the P212121 data should help 
lower your R and Rfree values. 

If you have already included the twin law in your phenix refinement for the 
P212121 data, and R and Rfree can not be lowered, I would suggest that your 
data probably is C2221. Also, the fact that C2221 is not twinned while P212121 
is twinned is an indicator to me that C2221 is probably correct as well. 

I wouldn't exclude C2221 as the real space group for not having the desired 
dimer. I have had tetrameric proteins crystallize with one mol / ASU, trimers 
with one mol/ ASU. If you turn on symmetry mates, do you see your intended 
dimer with the C2221 data? 

Last question/suggestion: Do the maps look the same between the two space 
groups? I would assume that the P212121 calculated maps are somewhat worse than 
the C2221 maps. 

With space group identity problems like these, you have to let the data tell 
you what is the correct space group. And from the looks of it, C2221 is the way 
to go. 

Best of luck, 
Kelly Daughtry, Ph.D. 
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Raetz Lab 
Biochemistry Department 
Duke University 
Alex H. Sands, Jr. Building 
303 Research Drive 
RM 250 
Durham, NC 27710 
P: 919-684-5178 

2010/12/1 Xiaopeng Hu < > 

1: No, the data reduction software didnt find twin and C2221 works well, so I 
never tried twin in refinement. 
2: C2221 gives out a monomer in the ASU. 

----- 原始邮件 ----- 
发件人: "Kelly Daughtry" < > 
收件人: "Xiaopeng Hu" < > 
发送时间: 星期三, 2010年 12 月 01日 下午 11:32:42 
主题: Re: [ccp4bb] Space group and R/Rfree value 

Just to clarify, did you use the twin law in the phenix refinement? 
Also, is the C2221 solution a monomer or dimer in the ASU? 

Kelly Daughtry, Ph.D. 
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Raetz Lab 
Biochemistry Department 
Duke University 
Alex H. Sands, Jr. Building 
303 Research Drive 
RM 250 
Durham, NC 27710 
P: 919-684-5178 

2010/12/1 Xiaopeng Hu < > 

Dear all, 

I am working on a data-set (2.3A) and the space group problem bothers me a 
lot.The space group of the data-set could be C2221 or P212121, since our 
protein functions as a dimer, and P212121 gives two molecular in the asym-uint, 
I think P212121 is more reasonable than C2221.However with C2221, I can refine 
the R/Rfree to 20/24 or lower, while with P212121 only to 26/30. Also Phenix 
points out that the crystal is probably a twin with P212121 but is OK with 

I am not a real crystallographer, perhaps this problem is stupid, any help will 
be appreciated!! 

Best wishes, 

Xiaopeng Hu 

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