
you first need to be sure that both datasets are indexed the same way (this depends on your spacegroup). During the processing step, you have to give each dataset different batch numbers (directly from imosflm) or you can rebatch them after processing (Data Reduction/Utilities/Sort-Modify-Combine MTZ task in ccp4i). Then you can sort (Data Reduction/Utilities/Sort-Modify-Combine MTZ task in ccp4i) your files in a single run in order to get a merged sorted file that you can feed to scala.

hope this helps


Le 22/02/2011 22:53, Huiying Li a écrit :
I have collected two sets of data, high-res and low-res, with the same
crystal and integrated them separately with imosflm. Now I want to merge
and scale the two MTZ files with Scala in ccp4i GUI. But I do not know
how to input 2 MTZ files through the Scala input GUI window (under Data
Reduction module, Scaleand Merge Intensities).

Another question on reindexing:
The space group for this data set output by imosflm is P21221, which is
non-standard. How can I reindex this to P21212, using Sftools or other

Thanks for help.

Huiying ___
Huiying Li, Ph. D
Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Natural Sciences I, Rm 2443
University of California at Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697, USA
Tel: 949-824-4322(or -1953); Fax: 949-824-3280
email: h...@uci.edu

Laurent Maveyraud         laurent.maveyraud AT ipbs DOT fr
Université  Paul  Sabatier /  CNRS  /  I.P.B.S.  UMR  5089
Département     Biologie    Structurale   et   Biophysique
205 route de Narbonne          31077 TOULOUSE Cedex FRANCE
Tél: +33 (0)561 175 435           Fax : +33 (0)561 175 994

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