
Slightly deviating from the original thread perhaps: I am having
trouble with recent releases of Ubuntu on my Toshiba Satellite laptop,
mainly associated with ACPI. The internet is awash with discussions on
how to fix the problems with ACPI (fan speed, screen brightness etc).
None of the solutions that have been suggested, work for me. I still
run Ubuntu 8.04, which is ok, but all versions after that effectively
mean the screen brightness is stuck at one level and the fan either
runs on full speed or not at all. Other people in the lab have
reported similar problems with their laptop (various makes). Does
anyone know of a linux distribution where everything just works,
without having to go back to the dark ages of linux where multimedia
etc are not supported?



Dr. Johan P. Turkenburg                     X-ray facilities manager
York Structural Biology Laboratory
University of York                               Phone (+) 44 1904 328251
York YO10 5DD   UK                          Fax   (+) 44 1904 328266

On 24 February 2011 04:14, Dave Roberts <drobe...@depauw.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you all very much for your insightful help on this matter.  Just a
> quick summary of what I have learned about this:
> 1.  For my stereo preferences, i used to be an active stereo nut - but I
> have switched over to passive - and will never go back.  It's cheaper to
> maintain (even with expensive monitors), easier to load operating systems
> (you don't need nvidia drivers - you don't even need a video card - on board
> video is good enough), and best of all, easier on the eyes.  you can stare
> at passive stereo all day without eye fatigue
> 2.  for operating systems - I tried ubuntu and wasn't real fond of it - it
> wouldn't load with my hardware.  I should have mentioned that I have old
> quadro cards (FX1400).  They still work well with fc7, but alas I think it's
> time they go away.  But, as i mentioned, with Zalman monitors I don't need
> nvidia - and so I can live with nouveau drivers - the video is crisp and
> nice and works just fine.   Good enough - fC13 it is for now (maybe I'll
> change later)
> 3.  crystal software is easy to install on most.  CCP4 is the most difficult
> for me - mainly because it's not something I'm familiar with - but the newer
> packages that come bundled take care of everything.  i still do coot the old
> fashioned way (separate from ccp4 - maybe I should link them, probably more
> power that way), but for me it works.  CNS is good, pymol easy, and anything
> else is just not too bad
> I didn't try scientific linux - but that did seem to get the most votes (for
> something beyond fedora/red hat).  Many do like fedora - and with newer
> hardware it works great - just fc13 and old hardware poses issues.  i don't
> know fc14 - I didn't try it (but it was preferred).  Ubuntu was also up
> there - and i will give it a try later - but not now.  most say it's a good
> one system thing - and while some used it in a network - some said that
> others may be better in my situation.
> Thanks again.  You all are very generous with your time and your comments
> are always wonderful and appreciated
> Dave

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