A while ago I was trying to be cheap, so we played around with it quite a bit in the lab. After rediscovering some of the basics of signal-to-noise and microscope transmission efficiency and that sort of rot, I realised that the commercial systems may not be all that ridiculously overpriced after all. Not if one wants to be able to say something useful about really really small crystals -- the only ones that really matter in the grand scheme of things (big ones are quick to test; little ones must first be optimized = money+time).

But maybe I was just being incompetent.  Happens.

On 15/09/2011 20:50, Andrew Purkiss-Trew wrote:
Quoting "Harman, Christine"<christine.har...@fda.hhs.gov>:

Hi All,
I was curious if any of you have tried or even know if it is
possible to adapt a stereoscope (in my case an Olympus SZX10 model)
so as to view protein crystals with UV illumination. Basically, I
want a cheap manual version of what a Rock UV Imager does.  I know
this is probably a crazy dream.  However, I would greatly appreciate
any comments, advice or experience any of you may have.

Molecular Dimension do such an adaptor which fits to existing microscopes.


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