One thing that the poll is useful for is something I find surprising:
~40% when I checked found storing images a waste of time. So, I guess
this might be useful for finding the "silent [significant] minority."
Why not have those folks chime in about why they think this is
useless, even to store images of solved datasets?


On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 11:25 AM, Gerard Bricogne
<> wrote:
> Dear Ed,
>     I am really puzzled by this initiative. It assumes that there is a
> pre-formed "collective opinion" out there, independent from and unaffected
> by the exchanges of views that have taken place on this BB, that would be
> worth more than the conclusions we might reach by pursuing these exchanges.
>     The thread you are obviously deciding to dissociate yourself from was
> initiated in response to a suggestion that views on this topic would
> usefully be aired publicly on this BB rather than posted off-list to Tom
> Terwilliger, who immediately agreed that this was a good idea and has been
> very supportive of this discussion.
>     Shouldn't we continue to try and put our heads together to reach a
> consensus, rather than collect opinions that may be little more than prior
> prejudices?
>     What shall we gain by such a vote? I may be misunderstanding what you
> have in mind, of course :-) .
>     With best wishes,
>          Gerard.
> --
> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 12:08:24PM -0400, Ed Pozharski wrote:
>> I am curious as to what the collective opinion on the raw data
>> deposition actually is across the cross-section of the macromolecular
>> crystallography community subscribed to the bb.  So, if you have a
>> second and a formed opinion on the idea of the depositions of the raw
>> data, please vote here
>> I'll post the results as soon as they look settled.
>> Cheers,
>> Ed.
>> --
>> "Hurry up before we all come back to our senses!"
>>                            Julian, King of Lemurs
> --
>     ===============================================================
>     *                                                             *
>     * Gerard Bricogne             *
>     *                                                             *
>     * Global Phasing Ltd.                                         *
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Jacob Pearson Keller
Northwestern University
Medical Scientist Training Program

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