Do I feel stupid! My previous message about Chimera should have been addresses 
to Yuri Pompeu, but not to Bostjan Kobe.



On Dec 8, 2011, at 6:26 AM, Yuri Pompeu wrote:

> I once saw a figure showing the protein as surface, but instead of having it 
> coloured by atom type
> or potential, it was shown by percent conservation in the family. Something 
> like red highly conserved, all the way to white, not conserved at all...
> Now, I assume the figure was done by uploading aligned sequnces of several 
> members of a family, and the colouring
> the generated surface accordingly. 
> Does anyone know a way to do this more elegantly than what I tried doing?
> ps. I quit colouring them manually after I remebered my protein was 407 aa 
> long...

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