On 12/08/2011 05:11 PM, Petr Leiman wrote:
Dear Bostjan,

There is Chimera for almost anything you can think of.

Not coot, you are sure?

Because (i) Chimera is not part of CCP4 and (ii) usually
coot does everything on this mailing list. :)

> Search for "Structure-Based Sequence Alignment" on this page:


On Dec 8, 2011, at 6:39 AM, Bostjan Kobe wrote:

Consurf will do this for you.


Bostjan Kobe
NHMRC Research Fellow
Professor of Structural Biology
School of Chemistry and Molecular Biosciences

and Institute for Molecular Bioscience (Division of Chemistry and
Structural Biology) and Centre for Infectious Disease Research

Cooper Road
University of Queensland
Brisbane, Queensland 4072
Phone: +61 7 3365 2132
Fax: +61 7 3365 4699
E-mail: b.k...@uq.edu.au
URL: http://www.scmb.uq.edu.au/staff/bostjan-kobe
Office: Building 76 Room 329
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The University of Queensland.

On 8/12/11 3:26 PM, "Yuri Pompeu"<yuri.pom...@ufl.edu>  wrote:

I once saw a figure showing the protein as surface, but instead of having
it coloured by atom type
or potential, it was shown by percent conservation in the family.
Something like red highly conserved, all the way to white, not conserved
at all...
Now, I assume the figure was done by uploading aligned sequnces of
several members of a family, and the colouring
the generated surface accordingly.
Does anyone know a way to do this more elegantly than what I tried doing?
ps. I quit colouring them manually after I remebered my protein was 407
aa long...

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