again, it looks like this is particular to the US portal.
We submit via the European and can submit multiple datasets.
See 2XGF for an example.
Note: I think from only one file can be downloaded, but clearly shows both.
Although you are in the US, you can use the pdbe deposition tool AUTODEP - or 
the Japanese one, if you like.

Mark J van Raaij
Laboratorio M-4
Dpto de Estructura de Macromoleculas
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia - CSIC
c/Darwin 3
E-28049 Madrid, Spain
tel. (+34) 91 585 4616

On 27 Apr 2012, at 20:23, Florian Schmitzberger wrote:

> Dear All,
> With my most recent PDBe deposition, in addition to the native data, I had 
> intended to deposit the anomalous data, used for structure determination, and 
> make it available for download. This turned out to be less straightforward 
> than I had anticipated, because the current PDB convention is to only allow a 
> single structure factor file for experimental data (usually the native 
> dataset), available for download from the PDB. In my case, the anomalous data 
> were concatenated with the native data into a single cif file (this worked 
> and made sense, because both for both datasets the unit cell dimensions are 
> virtually identical).
> I imagine it would be beneficial to be able to make available more than a 
> single structure factor file, including the ones derived from experimental 
> phasing, in the PDB, along with the final coordinates, without concatenating 
> the data into a single file (which may lead to confusion to users when 
> downloaded). Is this anything the PDB is already working to implement in the 
> near future (perhaps via the coming PDBx format)?
> Best regards,
> Florian

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