I've had some success in the past following Terese Bergfors' advice:

However, the last time I dealt with spherulites I just tuned the pH and it
worked like a charm.

Good luck,


2012/8/25 RHYS GRINTER <r.grinte...@research.gla.ac.uk>

> Hi Samuel,
> I've has good success going from sphereulites to crystals using an
> additive screen (the 96 condition Hampton one is good) with the conditions
> giving the spherulites. Just watch for salt crystals as you'll be adding
> some compounds that might cause your Ca ions to form insoluble CaSO4.
> http://hamptonresearch.com/product_detail.aspx?cid=1&sid=36&pid=27
> Cheers,
> Rhys
> ________________________________________
> From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Samuel
> Johnson [samueljohnson...@yahoo.in]
> Sent: 25 August 2012 02:11
> Subject: [ccp4bb] Improving microcrystals
> Hi everyone,
>                   I have been working on a protein for the past year.
> After a number of trials at crystallizing the protein i have identified
> conditions for getting spherulites/micro-crystaline material under micro
> batch method. I have confirmed that the crystalline material is protein, by
> using Izit-dye test. The condition is 50mM CaCl2, Mes pH 6.5 and 40% PEG
> 400. I will be happy to get suggestions on improving conditions to obtain
> single crystals. I have already tried varying a number of parameters like
> salt, precipitant concentration and buffer pH but that didn't help.
> Thanks.

Jon Agirre, PhD
Unit of Biophysics (CSIC-UPV/EHU)

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