王瑞 <wangrui...@gmail.com> writes:

>       I'm sorry for a little off-topic! I want to install HKL2000 on
> ubuntu11.10 32bits, but it produces a file named "info" not "cr_info"
> after  run the access_prod program.And when I put "info" to
> /usr/local/lib directory and typing"HKL2000" in terminal, it display:
> root@ubuntu:/usr/local/bin# HKL2000
> ERROR: Not a valid HKL-2000 license: Licence info file (cr_info) not found
> Error code: -1
> So could anyone tell me how to do it ?

Yes, you use your “info” file to obtain a “cr_info” file from HKL


Ian ◎

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