Hi Lisa,

Speed is definitely a big factor here.  With a protein I work with I can
get large crystals in myriad conditions that only diffract to about 4-5
Ang.  What I ended up doing was taking these crystals and seeding entire
screens.  I found that not only would crystals appear sooner but it
revealed novel crystallization conditions.  These seeded crystals would
appear within minutes as Preben described and diffracted to better than 2
Ang.  Another thought would be to try limited proteolysis to see if you can
identify a more stable construct.



John Domsic
Postdoctoral Fellow
Gene Expression and Regulation Program
The Wistar Institute
Philadelphia, PA 19104

On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 7:17 AM, jens Preben Morth <j.p.mo...@ncmm.uio.no>wrote:

> Dear Lisa
> It is not uncommon to see breakdown products when you run crystals on
>  gel. Espesially if they are older crystals, sometimes you even see higher
> molecular bands, these are probably due to intra molecular cross links
> formed over time.
> If you are worried about stability, try to increase the crystallization
> speed, we have one example where we see a clear difference in both crystal
> quality and even space group depending on when we fish the crystals. The
> crystals appear within 5 min,  the best quality data sets come from
> crystals  we fish after only 30-60 min.
> You may also have a little protease contamination of course, to prevent
> this add protease inhibitor, or DTT, or EDTA to you protein before you set
> it up.
> cheers Preben
> On 1/16/13 12:14 PM, LISA wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have an 36KD protein which can be crystallize in two days. Most of the
>> crystals are very big. But all cystals have poor resolution,lower than 3.8
>> A. I picked some crystals, washed them in the mother solution and then run
>> SDS-PAGE. It is surprised to find that different cystals have different
>> components. Some crystals have several samll bands below the band of the
>> protein. And in some crysals the bigger size band (as the construct should
>> be) almost disappared and have smear. Does the protein was degradated in
>> the crystals? Did someone met the similar problem as I? Thanks
>> All the best
>> lisa
> --
> J. Preben Morth, Ph.D
> Group Leader
> Membrane Transport Group
> Nordic EMBL Partnership
> Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM)
> University of Oslo
> P.O.Box 1137 Blindern
> 0318 Oslo, Norway
> Email: j.p.mo...@ncmm.uio.no
> Tel: +47 2284 0794
> http://www.jpmorth.dk

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