> The (on by default) versioning auto save is a PITA if you ever use textedit 
> to edit scripts but apart from that 10.8 is a fairly painless upgrade.

You'll probably know about this trick, but just in case there's
someone else still suffering the autosave "feature", here it goes: you
can disable autosave and bring back the good old 'Save as...' command
for a number of apps by executing the following commands:

defaults write com.apple.TextEdit ApplePersistence -bool no
defaults write com.apple.Preview ApplePersistence -bool no
defaults write com.apple.iWork.Pages ApplePersistence -bool no
defaults write com.apple.iWork.Numbers ApplePersistence -bool no
defaults write com.apple.iWork.Keynote ApplePersistence -bool no



Jon Agirre, PhD
Unit of Biophysics (CSIC-UPV/EHU)

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