I can't resist bashing 10.8 a little.  I don't know if I would rush to
upgrade...  I find the removal of 'save as' to be very annoying
(holding down option brings it back).  Also the way Text edit would
hide the scroll bar by default was annoying when looking through log
files (easily changed though).  Just when I got used to pushing F4 to
bring up a calculator and calendar (Dashboard I think it's called?),
they changed that too.  Delete no longer navigates back in a web
browser.  These are little things, granted, but they are the little
things that I love about using Macs!  My new Imac has 10.8, and I
don't have the ambition to downgrade the OS on it, but I personally
miss 10.6.8.  That being said, my crystallography programs run just

Nat Clark
Hart Lab

On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:18 AM, Brad Bennett <bradbennet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks to Jon, Huw, and Albert for quickly setting my mind at ease about
> upgrading our Mac OS to Mountain Lion and compatibility with CCP4. Just as
> an FYI, it seems most of the other commonly used software packages (i.e.
> Phenix v1.8, PyMol v1.5) are ok running on 10.8 as well.
> Best-
> Brad
> On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Jon Agirre <jon.agi...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > The (on by default) versioning auto save is a PITA if you ever use
>> > textedit to edit scripts but apart from that 10.8 is a fairly painless
>> > upgrade.
>> You'll probably know about this trick, but just in case there's
>> someone else still suffering the autosave "feature", here it goes: you
>> can disable autosave and bring back the good old 'Save as...' command
>> for a number of apps by executing the following commands:
>> defaults write com.apple.TextEdit ApplePersistence -bool no
>> defaults write com.apple.Preview ApplePersistence -bool no
>> defaults write com.apple.iWork.Pages ApplePersistence -bool no
>> defaults write com.apple.iWork.Numbers ApplePersistence -bool no
>> defaults write com.apple.iWork.Keynote ApplePersistence -bool no
>> Cheers,
>> Jon
>> --
>> Jon Agirre, PhD
>> Unit of Biophysics (CSIC-UPV/EHU)
>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/projectrecon/
>> +34656756888

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