Hello group,
I have some rather (embarrassingly) basic questions to ask. Mainly.. when 
deciding the resolution limit, which statistics are the most important? I have 
always been taught that the highest resolution bin should be chosen with I/sig 
no less than 2.0, Rmerg no less than 40%, and %Completeness should be as high 
as possible. However, I am currently encountered with a set of statistics that 
are clearly outside this criteria. Is it acceptable cut off resolution using 
I/sig as low as 1.5 as long as the completeness is greater than 75%? Another 
way to put this.. if % completeness is the new criteria for choosing your 
resolution limit (instead of Rmerg or I/sig), then what %completeness is too 
low to be considered? Also, I am aware that Rmerg increases with redundancy, is 
it acceptable to report Rmerg (or Rsym) at 66% and 98% with redundancy at 3.8 
and 2.4 for the highest resolution bin of these crystals? I appreciate any 

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