Hi Ed,

I'm not directly familiar with the ctruncate implementation of French and
Wilson, but from the implementation that I put into Phenix (based on the
original F&W paper) I can tell you that any reflection where (I/sigI) -
(sigI/mean_intensity) is less than a defined cutoff (in our case -4.0),
then it is rejected. Depending on sigI and the mean intensity for a given
shell, this can result in positive intensities that are also rejected.
Typically this will effect very small positive intensities as you've

I don't recall the mathematical justification for this and don't have a
copy of F&W here at home, but I can have a look in the morning when I get
into the lab and let you know.


On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Ed Pozharski <epozh...@umaryland.edu>wrote:

> I noticed something strange when processing a dataset with imosflm.  The
> final output ctruncate_etc.mtz, contains IMEAN and F columns, which
> should be the conversion according to French&Wilson.  Problem is that
> IMEAN has no missing values (100% complete) while F has about 1500
> missing (~97% complete)!
> About half of the reflections that go missing are negative, but half are
> positive.  About 5x more negative intensities are successfully
> converted.  Most impacted are high resolution shells with weak signal,
> so I am sure impact on "normal" refinement would be minimal.
> However, I am just puzzled why would ctruncate reject positive
> intensities (or negative for that matter - I don't see any cutoff
> described in the manual and the lowest I/sigI for successfully converted
> reflection is -18).
> Is this a bug or feature?
> Cheers,
> Ed.
> --
> I don't know why the sacrifice thing didn't work.
> Science behind it seemed so solid.
>                                     Julian, King of Lemurs

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