Hi Ed,

Thanks for including the code block.

I've looked back over the F&W paper, and the reason for the h<-4.0 cutoff
is that the entire premise assumes that the true intensities are normally
distributed, and the formulation breaks down at that far out of an
"outlier". For most datasets I haven't seen this assumption to be a huge
problem, but in some cases the assumption of a normal distribution is not
reasonable, and you'll end up with a higher percentage of rejected weak

Kay, does the new XDSCONV method treat the negative intensities in some way
to make them positive, or does this just work with very weak positive


On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 12:15 AM, Ed Pozharski <epozh...@umaryland.edu>wrote:

>  Jeff,
> thanks - I can see the same equation and cutoff applied in ctruncate
> source.    Here is the relevant part of the code
>         // Bayesian statistics tells us to modify I/sigma by subtracting
> off sigma/S
>         // where S is the mean intensity in the resolution shell
>         h = I/sigma - sigma/S;
>         // reject as unphysical reflections for which I < -3.7 sigma, or h
> < -4.0
>         if (I/sigma < -3.7 || h < -4.0 ) {
>             nrej++;
>             if (debug) printf("unphys: %f %f %f %f\n",I,sigma,S,h);
>             return(0);
>         }
> This seems to be arbitrary cutoff choice, given that they are hard-coded.
> At the very least, cutoffs should depend on the total number of reflections
> to represent famyliwise error rates.
> It is however the h-based rejection that seems most problematic to me.  In
> the dataset in question, up to 20% reflections are rejected in the highest
> resolution shell (granted, I/sigI there is 0.33).  I would expect that
> reflections are rejected when they are deemed to be outliers due to reasons
> other than statistical errors (e.g. streaks, secondary lattice spots in the
> background, etc).  I must say that this was done with extremely good
> quality data, so I doubt that 1 out of 5 reflections returns some
> physically impossible measurement.
> What is happening is that <sigma>=3S in the highest resolution shell, and
> for many reflection h<-4.0.  This does not mean that reflections are
> "unphysical" though, just that shell as a whole has mostly weak data (in
> this case 89% with I/sigI<2 and 73% with I/sigI<1).
> What is counterintuitive is why do I have to discard reflections that are
> just plain weak, and not really outliers?
> Cheers,
> Ed.
> On 06/17/2013 10:29 PM, Jeff Headd wrote:
> Hi Ed,
>  I'm not directly familiar with the ctruncate implementation of French
> and Wilson, but from the implementation that I put into Phenix (based on
> the original F&W paper) I can tell you that any reflection where (I/sigI) -
> (sigI/mean_intensity) is less than a defined cutoff (in our case -4.0),
> then it is rejected. Depending on sigI and the mean intensity for a given
> shell, this can result in positive intensities that are also rejected.
> Typically this will effect very small positive intensities as you've
> observed.
>  I don't recall the mathematical justification for this and don't have a
> copy of F&W here at home, but I can have a look in the morning when I get
> into the lab and let you know.
>  Jeff
> On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 5:04 PM, Ed Pozharski <epozh...@umaryland.edu>wrote:
>> I noticed something strange when processing a dataset with imosflm.  The
>> final output ctruncate_etc.mtz, contains IMEAN and F columns, which
>> should be the conversion according to French&Wilson.  Problem is that
>> IMEAN has no missing values (100% complete) while F has about 1500
>> missing (~97% complete)!
>> About half of the reflections that go missing are negative, but half are
>> positive.  About 5x more negative intensities are successfully
>> converted.  Most impacted are high resolution shells with weak signal,
>> so I am sure impact on "normal" refinement would be minimal.
>> However, I am just puzzled why would ctruncate reject positive
>> intensities (or negative for that matter - I don't see any cutoff
>> described in the manual and the lowest I/sigI for successfully converted
>> reflection is -18).
>> Is this a bug or feature?
>> Cheers,
>> Ed.
>> --
>> I don't know why the sacrifice thing didn't work.
>> Science behind it seemed so solid.
>>                                     Julian, King of Lemurs
> --
> Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy?
>                                                 Julian, King of Lemurs

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