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Dear Paul,

my email was meant to be provocative but neither insulting nor offensive
(having provoked quite a few responses when I last used the word
'offense' this email does not suffer from a subtle misinterpretation of
mine while not using my mothertongue. The German 'Provokation' is
something a scientist would welcome since it is critism expressed in a
rhetorically pleasing or intelectually amusing way, and criticism
drives science forward).

I am very grateful never to have met a non-helpful developer when I
addressed one with a request or suggestion and I fully agree with you.

I rather meant to point out that most developers are usually
overwhelmed with work, suggestions, or ideas for improvements, and for
that reason I think having formats that allow users to help themselves
or each other (while of course they still can suggest their ideas to
the developers) is a good thing, and having a format that only allows
access through some API (or help from a developer) is not.

I would also like to point out that my initial fear that we were
moving away from such a format with the replacement of PDB with mmCIF
has been soothened with this discussion and hence the content of my
previous paragraph is deprecated w.r.t this thread's context.


On 08/08/2013 05:29 PM, Paul Adams wrote:
> Tim,
> I'm sure your email was tongue-in-check, but it's provocative 
> nevertheless. I suspect that Nat's point was that scientific
> software developers (who are predominantly scientists of course)
> are helpful people who want to see their field of research be
> successful. If it is possible to spend an hour writing a tool that
> helps several thousand researchers to do their work that's probably
> a valuable use of time. An enlightened funding agency might even
> see the value! Sometimes it's a challenge to figure out exactly
> what would be of most help, hence Nat's plea for input. I don't
> know about other software development efforts, but we're very happy
> to get ideas and suggestions from researchers - just don't assume
> that we can implement them all (by tomorrow)!
> Cheers, Paul
> On Aug 8, 2013, at 12:17 AM, Tim Gruene <t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de> 
> wrote:
> On 08/07/2013 11:54 PM, Nat Echols wrote:
>>>> PLEASE tell the developers what you need to get your job
>>>> done; we can't read minds.
>>>> -Nat
> Dear Nat,
> I have a student working for me until the end of the month. I asked
>  her to calculate the mean ratio of U(H)/U(X) where X is the atom
> the corresponding hydrogen is bound to. I would like her to group 
> together as follows:
> 1) all N-H and O-H within that protein 2) all Calpha-Halpha 3) all 
> remaining C-H bonds 4) all O-H from the H2O and H3O in the 
> structure.
> I am not sure whom to address this request to, so please forward
> it to the developer. If the could would actually work on a shelxl 
> res-file it would be brilliant. I shall not ask George for this 
> software because as a scientist he has much more important and
> much more general problems to work on than this.
> At the moment the person is doing it by hand which might take a
> day. So if you could return the code by tomorrow that would be
> nice.
> Out of the tens of thousands of crystallographers coming up with 
> funny ideas (because, yes, you cannot read minds) you might
> receive such requests several times a day. And you seriously think
> this is the way we should go? Bless your funding agencies.
> Cheers, Tim
> P.S.: I found this discussing about mmCIF  quite interesting, and 
> since I was reminded that mmCIF is still kind of line oriented, I
> am pretty relieved. I just don't think that a 'universal' API
> exists - the student I am talking about does not know any
> programming language at all, and the next student might require an
> API in scheme, ruby, java, C#++-3.141, fortran-123, ...

- -- 
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

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