i.e. if you omit the free reflections, instead of biasing them toward
the measurements and giving an unrealistically low R-free, you would be biasing
them toward zero and giving an unrealistically high R-free.

However that problem might be largely alleviated by omitting the free 
but using "fill-in" when calculating the map- replace the free reflections not 
the measured values, or with zero, but with the value calculated from the 
previous model.
Such an approach has been reccommended for density modification with R-free.

On 04/24/2014 09:58 AM, Edward A. Berry wrote:
> On 04/24/2014 08:33 AM, Phoebe A. Rice wrote:
>> If you are doing real-space refinement of the entire model against a map in 
>> coot, isn't it also important to make sure that the Rfree reflections were 
>> NOT used in calculating that map?  Depending on how the map was made, that 
>> info can be hidden in the fine print.
>> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Not sure. Although this would seem to be the real-space analog of omitting
> the free reflections during reciprocal space refinement, there is actually
> a big difference. In reciprocal space, the free reflections can be simply 
> ignored.
> In real space refinement against a map from which the Free reflections were 
> omitted,
> you are still using the free reflections but with an incorrect value: zero.
> Then, if real space refinement really can bias a model to best-fit the 
> reflections,
> all the free reflections will tend toward zero and your R-free for the model 
> will go up.
> Then when you compare R-free after RS refinement with or without free 
> reflections,
> you might incorrectly attribute the difference to bias when using them!
> eab
>> Phoebe A. Rice
>> Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
>> The University of Chicago
>> 773 834 1723; pr...@uchicago.edu
>> http://bmb.bsd.uchicago.edu/Faculty_and_Research/
>> http://www.rsc.org/shop/books/2008/9780854042722.asp
>> ________________________________________
>> From: CCP4 bulletin board [CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] on behalf of Robbie 
>> Joosten [robbie_joos...@hotmail.com]
>> Sent: Monday, April 21, 2014 4:40 AM
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] coot problems to decrease R FREE
>> Dear Peter,
>>> I'm a novice of coot and ccp4. Now I'm doing refinement using both refmac5
>>> and coot.Here are some problems I'm facing. Really hope you can give me
>>> some suggestions.
>>> 1、THE RESOLUTION OF THE DATA IS 2.5 angstrom. After first refinement of
>>> refmac5 I got R factor which is 0.26 and R FREE which is 0.31. My question
>> is
>>> what the final R factor and R FREE should be after several rounds of
>>> refinement by refmac5 and coot.
>> As low as it can reasonably be. Which is of course a lousy target but the
>> purpose of model refinement is to make it as good as possible, not to
>> achieve a certain R-free. That said, at this resolution, the PDB average is
>> about 25% for R-free.
>>> 2、At which map level(e/A3 or rmsd)should I refine the data by coot?
>> You refine against the whole map, but for viewing purposes you should change
>> the map contour level during building. For the majority of the map you
>> should be able to see stuff well above an rmsd of 1.0 for the 2mFo-DFc map.
>> At the difficult bits you may need to go below 1.0, but no so low that you
>> can fool yourself. The proper height for the difference map depends as a bit
>> on the situation. I usually just turn it down until obvious noise peaks
>> (small negative peaks in the solvent) appear. That typically ends up
>> somewhere between 3 and 4 rmsd.
>>> 3、Can you give me some tips and strategies about how to use coot to
>>> decrease R free? now I just use some basic tricks such as fit density and
>>> Ramachandran plot to refine the data.
>> This is what I do for your kind of resolution: set the weight for refinement
>> in COOT to 50 or 40 (the default is 60) and switch on torsion restraints and
>> possibly Ramachandran restraints. Then I go through the entire structure
>> residue by residue (space bar) refining windows of three residues (with the
>> 't' key) and fixing everything that I can (that includes obvious solvent
>> molecules). Symmetry should always be switched on and NCS ghosts (if
>> available too). When that is done you can focus on the remaining difficult
>> bits by looking at the difference map peaks in COOT and at validation
>> reports from WHAT_CHECK, and MolProbity.
>> So now for the bit where I plug my own stuff: you can try PDB_REDO
>> (http://xtal.nki.nl/PDB_REDO for the server, there is also a stand-alone
>> version) to take a lot of work out of your hands. It optimises your
>> refinement in Refmac and, rebuilds side-chain and tries to find peptide
>> flips that improve you Ramachandran plot and fit with the maps. You also get
>> a lot of validation information that may help you with further rebuilding of
>> your model.
>> Cheers,
>> Robbie
>>> Best regards,
>>> Peter Chen

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