Jacob Keller

There is a service that will hopefully do the calculation you want, search for a template of residues (eg. catalytic-triads). This is just a through space superposition of atoms.

It is part of a tool set of fragments found by knowledge based analysis (pdbetemplate) ....


and there is a tool called DB search accessible from this page , or directly from here...


You can upload a small template of residues (up to 6) in PDB format using the
[upload and analyse] button.  The search is weighted based
on occupancy - where weights for each atom a defined by the occupancy value.

You can specify to just the CA atoms, the side chain (based on occupancy), and
use fuzzy matching (slow) where ASP looks like GLU  etc.

Here is an example PDB file fragment you can use to try out the search - it
is a catalytic quartet of residues - a superset of the catalytic triad.

Tom Oldfield, PDBe.

SITE 1 CTA 3 HIS A 57 ASP A 102 SER A 195 5CHA 160 ATOM 403 N HIS A 57 28.981 28.453 20.681 1.00 10.49 5CHA 550 ATOM 404 CA HIS A 57 28.691 28.510 22.151 1.00 10.51 5CHA 551 ATOM 405 C HIS A 57 29.897 28.096 22.990 1.00 11.71 5CHA 552 ATOM 406 O HIS A 57 29.926 28.441 24.252 1.00 11.27 5CHA 553 ATOM 407 CB HIS A 57 27.441 27.724 22.518 1.00 10.23 5CHA 554 ATOM 408 CG HIS A 57 27.711 26.268 22.692 1.00 11.48 5CHA 555 ATOM 409 ND1 HIS A 57 27.449 25.299 21.720 1.00 11.56 5CHA 556 ATOM 410 CD2 HIS A 57 28.206 25.605 23.753 1.00 10.62 5CHA 557 ATOM 411 CE1 HIS A 57 27.787 24.143 22.229 1.00 12.29 5CHA 558 ATOM 412 NE2 HIS A 57 28.219 24.290 23.459 1.00 12.00 5CHA 559 ATOM 729 N ASN A 100 21.139 29.092 17.682 1.00 15.17 5CHA 876 ATOM 730 CA ASN A 100 21.091 28.846 16.199 1.00 14.91 5CHA 877 ATOM 731 C ASN A 100 22.361 29.384 15.589 1.00 14.15 5CHA 878 ATOM 732 O ASN A 100 22.993 30.366 16.007 1.00 14.62 5CHA 879 ATOM 733 CB ASN A 100 19.865 29.473 15.542 1.00 14.99 5CHA 880 ATOM 734 CG ASN A 100 19.459 28.894 14.195 1.00 15.90 5CHA 881 ATOM 735 OD1 ASN A 100 19.768 27.721 13.910 1.00 15.64 5CHA 882 ATOM 736 ND2 ASN A 100 18.776 29.679 13.303 1.00 15.91 5CHA 883 ATOM 745 N ASP A 102 25.217 27.828 15.245 1.00 8.90 5CHA 892 ATOM 746 CA ASP A 102 26.263 27.454 16.230 1.00 8.03 5CHA 893 ATOM 747 C ASP A 102 27.602 26.986 15.681 1.00 7.56 5CHA 894 ATOM 748 O ASP A 102 28.030 25.875 15.937 1.00 6.97 5CHA 895 ATOM 749 CB ASP A 102 25.612 26.547 17.282 1.00 7.61 5CHA 896 ATOM 750 CG ASP A 102 26.373 26.259 18.576 1.00 7.61 5CHA 897 ATOM 751 OD1 ASP A 102 26.215 25.289 19.348 1.00 6.70 5CHA 898 ATOM 752 OD2 ASP A 102 27.250 27.077 18.886 1.00 7.66 5CHA 899 ATOM 1404 N SER A 195 30.503 18.936 23.287 1.00 10.84 5CHA1551 ATOM 1405 CA SER A 195 30.268 20.144 22.534 1.00 11.39 5CHA1552 ATOM 1406 C SER A 195 31.398 20.500 21.546 1.00 11.49 5CHA1553 ATOM 1407 O SER A 195 32.602 20.510 21.836 1.00 10.92 5CHA1554 ATOM 1408 CB SER A 195 30.081 21.398 23.463 1.00 11.44 5CHA1555 ATOM 1409 OG SER A 195 28.708 21.332 23.826 1.00 13.00 5CHA1556

On 27/06/14 21:49, Keller, Jacob wrote:
I have wanted for some time to search for catalytic-triad-like configurations 
by defining three Ca-Cb bonds from known catalytic triads, then searching the 
pdb for matches, but have not thought of a quick and/or easy way to do 
this--can your software do this sort of thing, or is there some other software 
which could be used for this?


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Dale 
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2014 4:27 PM
Subject: [ccp4bb] New Version of the Protein Geometry Database Now Available

Hash: SHA1

             Protein Geometry Database Server V 1.0
Developed by Andy Karplus' laboratory at Oregon State University

    We are pleased to announce the availability of an enhanced version of the 
Protein Geometry Database (PGD) web service, originally announced in Berkholz 
et al (2010) Nucleic Acids Research 38, D320-5.
This server allows you to explore the many backbone and side chain conformations that 
exist in the PDB as well as the protein geometry (lengths and angles) that occur in those 
conformations. This service is ideal for finding instances of particular conformations or 
peculiar bond lengths or angles.  It is also quite adept at identifying sets of fragments 
that can then be examined for systematic variation in "ideal" geometry. The 
expanded PGD now includes all conformational and covalent geometry information not just 
for the backbone but also for the sidechains.

    There are three basic operations available: selecting a set of fragments 
via a delimited search, analyzing the geometry of those fragments, and dumping 
the results to your computer for more specialized analysis.

    To control bias in statistical analyses due to the variable number of 
entries with the same or similar sequence, the database contains only the 
highest quality model in each sequence cluster as identified by the Pisces 
server from Roland Dunbrack's lab.  Two settings, 90% and 25% sequence 
identity, are available.  Currently, at the 90% sequence identity level there 
are 16,000 chains and at the 25% level this drops to about 11,000 chains.

    You can filter a search based on the quality of the model as indicated by resolution 
and R values.  A search can also be filtered based on DSSP secondary structure, amino 
acid type, the phi/psi/omega angles and bond lengths, angles, and chi angles.  For 
example, you can find all cysteine residues in the center of three-residue peptide 
fragments (i.e. not at a peptide terminus), in beta sheet, with both peptide bonds trans, 
and CB-SG length greater than 1.85 A from models with resolution better than 1.5 A.  By 
the way, in the "no more than 25% sequence identity" category there are 25 of 

    Once you have a set of results, you can create 2D plots showing the 
relationships of up to three features (i.e. bond lengths, bond angles, or 
conformational angles).  For instance, you can look at how a given feature 
varies with phi and psi using a phi(i)/psi(i) plot.  Or, you can just as easily 
look at the variation with psi(i)/phi(i+1), or even the relationships between 
any selected bond angles.  As one example, it is instructive to perform a 
default search and plot NCaCb vs NCaC colored based on CbCaC.  As this search 
is restricted to just the highest resolution models, you can see the 
justification for chiral volume restraints.

    Finally, all of your results can be downloaded for your own analysis.

    Development of the PGD continues.  If you have worked with the site and 
have any ideas and suggestions for how to improvement it, please drop us a line.

    The publication describing the PGD is:

Berkholz, D.S., Krenesky, P.B., Davidson, J.R.,  & Karplus, P.A.
(2010) Protein Geometry Database: A flexible engine to explore backbone 
conformations and their relationships with covalent geometry.
Nucleic Acids Res. 38, D320-5.

    Also, some examples of published analyses enabled by earlier versions of 
the PGD are listed here:.

Berkholz, D.S., Shapovalov, M.V., Dunbrack, R.L.J. & Karplus, P.A.
(2009). Conformation dependence of backbone geometry in proteins.
Structure 17, 1316-1325.

Hollingsworth, S.A., Berkholz, D.S. & Karplus, P.A. (2009). On the occurrence 
of linear groups in proteins. Protein Science 18, 1321-1325

Hollingsworth, S.A. & Karplus, P. A. (2010). Review: A fresh look at the 
Ramachandran plot and the occurrence of standard structures in proteins. 
BioMolecular Concepts 1, 271-283.

Berkholz, D.S., Driggers, C.M., Shapovalov, M.V., Dunbrack, R.L., Jr.
& Karplus P.A. (2012) Nonplanar peptide bonds in proteins are common and 
conserved but not biased toward active sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.  109, 

Dale Tronrud & P. Andrew Karplus
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Oregon State University -----BEGIN 
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Tom Oldfield , PhD
Team Leader
Head of PDBe Databases and Services
Protein Databank in Europe
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wellcome Trust Gemome Campus
Cambridge  CB10 1SD
United Kingdom
Tel : ++44 (0) 1223 492526

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