I think the ref below may be exactly what I am looking for--thanks everyone for 
your help. Even when the tips were not exactly what I needed, I learned about 
many tools out there which I may use some day. Generally, I am always impressed 
by the collegiality and readiness-to-help of all of those who routinely respond 
to the queries herein.

Three cheers for CCP4BB!

Jacob Keller

Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 Jul;37(Web Server issue):W459-64. doi: 
10.1093/nar/gkp304. Epub 2009 May 5.
RASMOT-3D PRO: a 3D motif search webserver.
Debret G1, Martel A, Cuniasse P.

Detection of structural motif of residues in protein structures allows 
identification of structural or functional similarity between proteins. In the 
field of protein engineering, structural motif identification is essential to 
select protein scaffolds on which a motif of residues can be transferred to 
design a new protein with a given function. We describe here the RASMOT-3D PRO 
webserver (http://biodev.extra.cea.fr/rasmot3d/) that performs a systematic 
search in 3D structures of protein for a set of residues exhibiting a 
particular topology. Comparison is based on Calpha and Cbeta atoms in two 
steps: inter-atomic distances and RMSD. RASMOT-3D PRO takes in input a PDB file 
containing the 3D coordinates of the searched motif and provides an interactive 
list of identified protein structures exhibiting residues of similar topology 
as the motif searched. Each solution can be graphically examined on the 
website. The topological search can be conducted in structures described in PDB 
files uploaded by the user or in those deposited in the PDB. This 
characteristic as well as the possibility to reject scaffolds sterically 
incompatible with the target, makes RASMOT-3D PRO a unique webtool in the field 
of protein engineering.

PMID: 19417073 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] PMCID: PMC2703991

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