As an additional comment on the issue of spatially correlated disorder,
SHELX (and possibly other programs) has an elegant way of handling bump
generation between disordered atoms.  SHELX will only generate a bump if
two atoms are in van der Waals conflict AND their occupancies sum to 1.1
or greater.  This is on top of an exclusion for atoms from different
altloc (non-zero part) numbers, and has the attraction of enforcing a
physically reasonable model in any event.  This approach requires no
information about the correlated group membership of the atoms, although
as George Sheldrick pointed out, this can be handled using free variables
in SHELX.  I bring this up because several current validation programs do
not take correlated disorder into account when generating clashes, and I
wish that an occupancy check would be more widely implemented.
Best regards,

Mark A. Wilson
Associate Professor
Department of Biochemistry/Redox Biology Center
University of Nebraska
N118 Beadle Center
1901 Vine Street
Lincoln, NE 68588
(402) 472-3626 

On 7/25/14 2:51 AM, "Thomas Lütteke"
<> wrote:

>Just a quick thought that might be a workaround solution within the PDB
>format restrictions: In NMR structures there are often multiple
>conformations stored in different MODEL sections - this should in
>principle be possible for x-ray structures as well, shouldn't it?
>Of course this is a waste of space, as you have to duplicate all atoms
>and not only the ones that are included in multiple conformations, and
>not all features might be handled by validation tools, but with the
>limitations of the current PDB format there are not many ways to encode
>this anyway.
>Best regards,

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