Dear Frances,

I don't think that you can put the blame entirely on the 80 column limitation.

The program SHELX76 was limited to 80 columns because the input came as punched cards. It introduced a simple concept, the /free variables/, that are frequently used to represent occupancies and can be used to to build complicated networks of disordered residues with interdependent occupancies. Restraints may be applied to linear sums of these free variables. Ever since, small molecule crystallographers have used this concept to refine the disorders that they frequently encounter.

Best wishes, George

On 07/23/2014 05:20 PM, Frances C. Bernstein wrote:
I agree that it would be excellent to be able to associate
alternate conformations (beyond the individual residue) but
when we defined the "PDB" format we had an 80-column limitation
per atom and so only one column was allowed for alternate
conformations.  In an ASCII world only 36 characters were available
to define alternate conformations.  This is inadequate to allow
for many residues with independent alternate conformations -
one residue with three conformations would use up 3 of the 36
characters.  Thus there was no way to say that alternate
conformation A in one residue is or is not associated with
alternate conformation A in another residue.


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On Wed, 23 Jul 2014, Tim Gruene wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Hi Bernhard,

That's right, the definition is not in the PDB, but REFMAC sensibly
handles it this way. It is certainly a short-coming if not bug in the
PDB (definition).


On 07/23/2014 04:49 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
?? Refmac knows because of the group definition, otherwise I cannot
force grouped occupancy refinement. There is no definition in PDB
that eg ALTLOC A (of whatever residue) belongs to ALTLOC A of
(whatever) residue/water.


-----Original Message----- From: Tim Gruene
[] Sent: Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
15:38 To:; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: Re:
[ccp4bb] correlated alternate confs - validation?

Hi Bernhard,

do you refer to the PDB who, according to Martyn, remove the altloc
indicator? That's certainly a serious bug that should be fixed as
quickly as possible.

Within refmac the preservation is fine and as you would expect it
to be: altA only sees atoms in altA and those witout altLoc, etc,
which makes sure you PDB file is interpreted correctly by refmac5.
That's how I refmac works.

Best, Tim

On 07/23/2014 03:26 PM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:
I would probably make the two waters alternates of each other.

Quite possible, but the group definition, i.e. to which alt
conf. side chain they belong,

would need to be preserved, too.


Cheers, Robbie

Sent from my Windows Phone


Van: Bernhard Rupp Verzonden: 23-7-2014 10:19 Aan:
CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] correlated alternate
confs - validation?

Hi Fellows,

something that may eventually become an issue for validation and
 reporting in PDB headers:

using the Refmac grouped occupancy keyword I was able to form and
 refine various networks of correlated

alternate conformations - it seems to works really well at least
in a 1.6 and 1.2 A case I tried.

Both occupancy and B-factors refine to reasonable values as
expected/guessed from e-density and environment.

Respect & thanks for implementing this probably underutilized

This opens a question for validation: Instead of pretty much
ignoring any atoms below occupancy of 1, one

can now validate each of the network groups  geometry and density
fit separately just as any other

set of coordinates. I think with increasing data quality,
resolution, and user education such refinements will become more

frequent (and make a lot more sense than arbitrarily setting
guessed independent hard occupancies/Bs

that are not validated). Maybe some common format for
(annotating) such correlated occupancy groups might

eventually become necessary.

Best, BR

PS: Simple example shown below: two alternate confs of residue
338 which correlate with one

water atom each in chain B, with corresponding partial occupancy
(grp1: A338A-B5 ~0.6, grp2: A338B-B16 ~0.4).

occupancy group id 1 chain A residue 338 alt A

occupancy group id 1 chain B residue 5

occupancy group id 2 chain A residue 338 alt B

occupancy group id 2 chain B residue 16

occupancy group alts complete 1 2

. more similar

occupancy refine

AfaIct this does what I want. True?


- ------------------

Bernhard Rupp

k.-k. Hofkristallamt

001 (925) 209-7429


- -

- -- - -- Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-33021 or -33068
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