Hello again, and thank you for your quick replies!

For your consideration, I have added a representative .mtz and .pdb to my 
shared dropbox folder 

There are 22 monomers in the ASU, and this peak is present to some degree in 
all of them, but is strongest for chain L.  These monomers are very similar to 
the ERAP1 structure PDB ID 2yd0.

Napo and Tushar:  The resolution limit is 3.26 angstroms. The crystallization 
condition is ammonium sulfate and MES.  There will also be a little HEPES and 
DMSO (from the sample buffer).  The cryoprotectant is saturated lithium 
sulfate.  There is also an inhibitor in the drop but this positive density is 
present in all my datasets, each with different inhibitors, so I don't think 
this is a bound inhibitor.  The Trp B-factors are not out of place for this 

Tristan:  You make a good point, I have built other sulfates into the model and 
this may account for some of the positive density near this asparagine.  I will 
try this.  Thank you for your suggestion.



Stern Lab

Pathology Department

University of Massachusetts Medical School

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