I showed you pdbset ..
Find the centre of mass for your assembly.
Move it where you will

pdbset xyzin mow.pdb
Find  CoM 0.7 1.3 -0.2

Hmm - a little thought - centre at 1 -1 0   say

pdbset yzin now.pdb xyzout changed.pdb

symgen x , y-2, z


New CoM  0.7 -0.7  -0.2


On 18 December 2017 at 00:19, Edward A. Berry <ber...@upstate.edu> wrote:

> Neat idea!
> And do you have a 1-line command for setting all the coordinates to 1,1,1?
> or 0.1,0.1,0.1 if I still want it near the origin but biased toward the
> inside of the positive-going cell?
> eab
> On 12/14/2017 07:23 PM, James Holton wrote:
>> What I usually do for this is make a copy of the PDB file and change all
>> the atom x-y-z positions to "1.000".  Then I use something like reforigin
>> or my "origins.com" script to shift the original coordinates via allowed
>> symmetry operations, origin shifts, or perhaps indexing ambiguities until
>> it is as close as possible to the "reference", which is at 1,1,1.  I use
>> 1,1,1 instead of 0,0,0 because there are generally at least two
>> symmetry-equivalent places that are equidistant from the origin. Declaring
>> the reference to be a bit off-center breaks that ambiguity, and also biases
>> the result toward having all-positive x,y,z values.
>> In case it is interesting, my script is here:
>> http://bl831.als.lbl.gov/~jamesh/scripts/origins.com
>> You need to have the CCP4 suite set up for it to work.  Run it with no
>> arguments to get instructions.
>> -James Holton
>> MAD Scientist
>> On 12/13/2017 5:50 AM, Kajander, Tommi A wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> If someone could point this out would be very helpful... Wasnt there a
>>> simple script somewhere that would transfer coordinates close to origin -
>>> if they for some reason are not? Just cant find anything right away. Sure i
>>> have done this before...
>>> Thanks,
>>> Tommi

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