Dear Eleanor,

Many thanks for you comments.

I have run aimless/pointless with those data sets having unit cell (134/67, 
134/67, 183, 90, 90 120) previously integrated with P31 2 1.
Previously, I forced aimless to not determine laue group, to keep the original 
SG, and now I let aimless determine the SG.

Both aimless and pointless re-indexed both data sets to the P63 2 2 for both 
data sets.
Based on the matthews analysis, it seems impossible to put molecule in to small 
cell (67. 67, 183, 90, 90, 120), and truncate analysis for this large cell 
indicates both tNCS and twinning. I am to interpret my data sets. 
Does it have both tNCS and twinning? 

For curiosity, I have ran the Phaser by turning on/off the tNCS with larger 
cell (134, 134, 180, 90, 90, 120), and only the phaser 'without tNCS' gave me 
the solution, but still it did not give me the 2 molecules/ASU which should be, 
and just 1mol/ASU.
Again for curiosity, I ran Refmac but results were like below.
-> Refmac without twin: 0.51/0.56 (work/free)
-> Refmac with twin: 0.52/0.59

I am also attached the log file of pointless for both cells.

Going back to the previous post, I am very open to accept that my C2 refinement 
is wrong, happy to learn. But, based on L-test, H-test and dropping R-values 
and model with density, I guess this is quite convincing but as you commented 
maybe I am misleading. Please let me know if you have more comments.

Best wishes,


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#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 7.0.051
#CCP4I SCRIPT LOG pointless
#CCP4I DATE 15 Jan 2019  13:42:04
#CCP4I USER user
#CCP4I PROJECT donghyuk_d011_x024
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/user
#CCP4I HOSTNAME localhost.localdomain
#CCP4I PID 30946

 ### CCP4 7.0.051: POINTLESS         version 1.11.8 : 19/12/17##
 User: user  Run date: 15/ 1/2019 Run time: 13:42:04 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 235-242.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

==== Input command lines ====

XDSIN /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/process_donghyuk/xds_016/XDS_ASCII.HKL
HKLOUT /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/ccp4/XDS_016_pointless.mtz
## This script run with the command   ##########
# /home/user/Downloads/destination/ccp4-7.0/bin/pointless

====     End of input    ====

Release Date: 19th December 2017

        *                                                    *
        *                     POINTLESS                      *
        *                       1.11.8                       *
        *                                                    *
        *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
        *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
        * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
        *                                                    *

Reading XDS ascii file from file /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/process_donghyuk/xds_016/XDS_ASCII.HKL

Header lines:

!Generated by CORRECT   (VERSION Jan 26, 2018  BUILT=20180808)
!NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES=/home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/x024_C11_1_??????.h5 GENERIC
!DATA_RANGE=       1     900
!ROTATION_AXIS=  0.999999  0.001086 -0.000195
!STARTING_ANGLE=     0.000
!INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE=    50.000     1.582
!UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS=   134.222   134.222   182.665  90.000  90.000 120.000
!UNIT_CELL_A-AXIS=    -9.656   -13.195   133.223
!UNIT_CELL_B-AXIS=    36.958   117.512   -53.297
!UNIT_CELL_C-AXIS=  -175.056    51.620    -7.575
!BEAM_DIVERGENCE_E.S.D.=     0.029
!X-RAY_WAVELENGTH=  0.999987
!INCIDENT_BEAM_DIRECTION= -0.002009 -0.001292  1.000010
!POLARIZATION_PLANE_NORMAL=  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
!AIR=  0.000339
!SILICON=  3.942720
!OVERLOAD=   3000000
!NX=  4150  NY=  4371    QX=  0.075000  QY=  0.075000
!ORGX=   2066.92  ORGY=   2186.64
!DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_X-AXIS=   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
!DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_Y-AXIS=   0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
!VARIANCE_MODEL=  1.139E+00  8.445E-03

Matrix to transform XDS axis system to CCP4 frame:
| 0.0001964,  -0.00129,         1|
|  0.001086,        -1,  -0.00129|
|         1,  0.001086, -0.000195|

Matrix to transform XDS detector coordinates to CCP4 frame:
| 0.0001964,  -0.00129,         1|
|  0.001086,        -1,  -0.00129|
|         1,  0.001086, -0.000195|

Rotation axis in CCP4 frame: ( 0.000  0.000  1.000)

Incident beam in CCP4 frame: ( 1.000  0.000 -0.002)

 1649296 observations accepted
         Resolution range   49.034    1.582
  165938 accepted incomplete observations with PART < 0.98, minimum 0.75
   59415 observations flagged as MISFITS in XDS: KEEP MISFIT in Aimless to accept

Reconstructing orientation matrix [U] from  199 observations
Orientation matrix [U]:
|    0.9163,   -0.3982,  -0.04201|
|   -0.3931,   -0.8747,   -0.2837|
|   0.07621,    0.2765,    -0.958|
      Determinant = 1.000

Time for reading file(s):    4.270 secs


>*> Summary of test data read in:
   Resolution range accepted:    49.03        1.58

   Number of reflections      =        239042
   Number of observations     =       1649296
   Number of parts            =       1649296
   Number of batches in file  =           900
   Number of datasets         =             1
      Project: XDSproject Crystal: XDScrystal Dataset: XDSdataset
      Run number:   1 consists of batches 1 - 900
         Resolution range for run:    49.03        1.58
         Phi range:     0.00 to   135.00   Time range:     0.00 to   135.00
         Closest reciprocal axis to spindle: c* (angle   16.7 degrees)
   Unit cell for dataset:   134.22  134.22  182.66   90.00   90.00  120.00
         Wavelength:  0.99999

Numbers of observations marked in the FLAG column
By default all flagged observations are rejected
Observations may be counted in more than one category

                             Flagged  Accepted   Maximum   MaxAccepted
   BGratio too large              0       0       0.000       0.000
   PKratio too large              0       0       0.000       0.000
   Negative < 5sigma              0       0
   Gradient too large             0       0       0.000       0.000
   Profile-fitted overloads       0       0
   Spots on edge                  0       0
   XDS misfits (outliers)     59415       0


Number of reflections  =            239042
Number of observations =           1649296
Average multiplicity =                 6.9

Resolution range in list:      49.03 ->   1.58
Intensity normalisation: B-factor =  -19.3  +  -0.0026 * time  (final B -19.7)

Estimation of useful resolution for point group determination:
Point group correlation statistics are not reliable for very weak data,
so a high resolution cutoff (for this purpose only) is estimated either
 from CC(1/2) using P1 (Friedel) symmetry (limit  0.60), or
 from Mean(I/sigma(I)) (limit   2.06), if there are sufficient data

High-resolution estimate from CC(1/2):      2.45
High-resolution estimate from <I/sig(I)>:   2.81

High resolution limit reset to 2.45   using CC(1/2) cutoff (in P1)

$TABLE: Mn(I/sigI) and CC(1/2) [in P1] vs. resolution:
$GRAPHS:Resolution estimate 2.45A:0.000415921|0.399381x0|1:2,4,6,7,9:
  N  1/d^2    Dmid CC(1/2)   N_CC   CCfit  Mn(I/sigI)      N (I/sigI)/10   $$ $$
  1  0.0071  11.90   0.998   3264   0.998        8.50   7951       0.850
  2  0.0204   7.01   0.997   6546   0.997        6.87  16243       0.687
  3  0.0337   5.45   0.993   8420   0.995        6.29  21565       0.629
  4  0.0470   4.61   0.991  10668   0.991        6.46  27431       0.646
  5  0.0603   4.07   0.988   9061   0.986        6.02  23298       0.602
  6  0.0736   3.69   0.983   7828   0.978        5.03  19849       0.503
  7  0.0869   3.39   0.970  10030   0.964        3.84  25311       0.384
  8  0.1002   3.16   0.953  15132   0.943        3.15  38729       0.315
  9  0.1135   2.97   0.928  18578   0.911        2.59  45058       0.259
 10  0.1268   2.81   0.857  20108   0.864        2.15  47338       0.215
 11  0.1401   2.67   0.793  13574   0.796        1.77  30517       0.177
 12  0.1534   2.55   0.685  22762   0.707        1.51  49567       0.151
 13  0.1667   2.45   0.598  24120   0.597        1.35  50486       0.135
 14  0.1800   2.36   0.466  24751   0.478        1.17  50078       0.117
 15  0.1932   2.27   0.386  14253   0.361        1.07  29113       0.107
 16  0.2065   2.20   0.282  22703   0.258        0.93  43990       0.093
 17  0.2198   2.13   0.164  24923   0.176        0.84  45128       0.084
 18  0.2331   2.07   0.104  16282   0.117        0.78  28260       0.078
 19  0.2464   2.01   0.060  27037   0.075        0.74  45441       0.074
 20  0.2597   1.96   0.052  17268   0.048        0.71  27924       0.071
 21  0.2730   1.91   0.045  12978   0.030        0.66  20105       0.066
 22  0.2863   1.87   0.018  22762   0.019        0.59  32714       0.059
 23  0.2996   1.83   0.000  28209   0.012        0.48  35644       0.048
 24  0.3129   1.79   0.011  22050   0.007        0.37  22535       0.037
 25  0.3262   1.75  -0.014  18065   0.004        0.23  12249       0.023
 26  0.3395   1.72  -0.040   8602   0.003        0.11   2916       0.011
 27  0.3528   1.68  -0.063  12143   0.002        0.09   3276       0.009
 28  0.3661   1.65  -0.100   9454   0.001        0.12   3632       0.012
 29  0.3794   1.62  -0.068   7471   0.001        0.20   4613       0.020
 30  0.3927   1.60  -0.149   1946   0.000        0.25   2364       0.025

Checking for possible twinning
L-test for twinning (acentrics only) to maximum resolution    2.452
 Neighbouring reflections for test are +- 2 on h,k,l

$TABLE: L-test for twinning, twin fraction 0.127:
$GRAPHS:Cumulative distribution of |L|, estimated fraction 0.127:N:1,2,3,4:
      |L|       N(|L|)  Untwinned    Twinned   $$ $$
     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     0.0500     0.0645     0.0500     0.0749
     0.1000     0.1286     0.1000     0.1495
     0.1500     0.1918     0.1500     0.2233
     0.2000     0.2544     0.2000     0.2960
     0.2500     0.3159     0.2500     0.3672
     0.3000     0.3763     0.3000     0.4365
     0.3500     0.4353     0.3500     0.5036
     0.4000     0.4930     0.4000     0.5680
     0.4500     0.5490     0.4500     0.6294
     0.5000     0.6031     0.5000     0.6875
     0.5500     0.6555     0.5500     0.7418
     0.6000     0.7060     0.6000     0.7920
     0.6500     0.7541     0.6500     0.8377
     0.7000     0.7998     0.7000     0.8785
     0.7500     0.8425     0.7500     0.9141
     0.8000     0.8822     0.8000     0.9440
     0.8500     0.9184     0.8500     0.9679
     0.9000     0.9508     0.9000     0.9855
     0.9500     0.9784     0.9500     0.9963
     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from cumulative N(|L|) plot 0.139 (+/-0.022)
   < |L| >:    0.430 (0.5 untwinned, 0.375 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < |L| >    0.127
   < L^2 >:    0.258 (0.333 untwinned, 0.2 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < L^2 >    0.114

WARNING: the L-test suggests that the data may be twinned,
  so the indicated Laue symmetry may be too high
Note that the estimate of the twin fraction from the L-test is not very accurate,
  particularly for high twin fractions. Better estimates from other tests need knowledge of
  the point group and the twin operator, which are not available here

Time for twinning test    4.740 secs


- - - - Checking for possible non-primitive lattice absences in a primitive lattice

Resolution range used in test:    49.0 to    2.45

For each lattice centering type, divide reflections into systematically present
   and systematically absent groups

Systematic absences expected for different lattice centering types
  A         k+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  B         h+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  C         h+k = 2n
  I         h+k+l = 2n
  F         h,k,l all = 2n or h,k,l all != 2n
  R:H      -h+k+l = 3n (hexagonal axes)
Key to table:
     N             number of putative 'absent' observations in that lattice
  < I >present     mean intensity for 'present' reflections
  < I >absent      mean intensity for 'absent' reflections
  < E^2 >present   mean I/sig(I)  for 'present' reflections
  < E^2 >absent    mean I/sig(I)  for 'absent' reflections, usually = 1.0, ~=0 if centered

Since the lattice could possibly be rhombohedral, test for obverse/reverse twin: 
  there are 4 classes of reflections defined by combinations of 2 tests:
    O = (-h+k+l == 3n)  and  V = (h-k+l == 3n)

 Then the classes are:
1.    O && notV  reflection in domain 1 only, l not= 3n, 2/9 of total (O, V present)
2.   notO &&  V  reflection in domain 2 only, l not= 3n, 2/9 of total (O, V absent)
3.    O &&  V    reflection from both domains, l = 3n, 1/9 of total (O&&V present)
4.   notO && notV  absent in both domains, any l, 4/9 of total (O&&V absent)

   LatticeType    Overall      A        B        C        I        F        R       O, V     O&&V  

      N            518580   259250   259420   254168   259148   386419   345767   115281   230486

  < I >present         71       72       72      109       72      109       72       73       72
  < I >absent                   71       71       33       71       58       71       72       70

  < E^2 >present     1.04     1.04     1.04     1.47     1.04     1.48     1.04     1.05     1.04
  < E^2 >absent               1.03     1.03     0.58     1.03     0.89     1.03     1.04     1.03

 Centering probability        0.00     0.00     0.34     0.00     0.00     0.00

No extra lattice symmetry found

- - - -
Time for lattice absence test    0.110 secs

Model for expectation(CC) = E(m) if symmetry is absent P(m;!S) = (1-m^k)^(1/k) with k =  3.3

Unit cell (from HKLIN file) used to derive lattice symmetry with tolerance   2.0 degrees
 134.22 134.22 182.66  90.00  90.00 120.00

Tolerance (and delta) is the maximum deviation from the
 expected angle between two-fold axes in the lattice group

Lattice point group: P 6 2 2
Reindexing or changing symmetry
Reindex operator from input cell to lattice cell: [h,k,l]

   h'   = ( h k l ) (       1       0       0 )
                    (       0       1       0 )
                    (       0       0       1 )

Lattice unit cell after reindexing: deviation 0.00 degrees
 134.22 134.22 182.66  90.00  90.00 120.00

     179 pairs rejected for E^2 too large
Overall CC for 20000 unrelated pairs:   0.034  N= 20000, high resolution limit   2.45

    Estimated expectation value of true correlation coefficient E(CC) =  0.686

    Estimated sd(CC) = 1.104 / Sqrt(N)

Estimated E(CC) of true correlation coefficient from identity =  0.854


Analysing rotational symmetry in lattice group P 6/m m m


Scores for each symmetry element

Nelmt  Lklhd  Z-cc    CC        N  Rmeas    Symmetry & operator (in Lattice Cell)

  1   0.907   9.22   0.92  175685  0.132     identity
  2   0.905   9.26   0.93  342965  0.134 *** 2-fold l ( 0 0 1) {-h,-k,l}
  3   0.910   9.15   0.92  313340  0.154 *** 2-fold k ( 0 1 0) {-h,h+k,-l}
  4   0.916   8.99   0.90  261193  0.174 *** 2-fold h ( 1 0 0) {h+k,-k,-l}
  5   0.917   8.94   0.89  303748  0.181 *** 2-fold   ( 1-1 0) {-k,-h,-l}
  6   0.909   9.18   0.92  312708  0.150 *** 2-fold   ( 2-1 0) {h,-h-k,-l}
  7   0.916   8.97   0.90  259154  0.173 *** 2-fold   (-1 2 0) {-h-k,k,-l}
  8   0.917   8.93   0.89  298909  0.179 *** 2-fold   ( 1 1 0) {k,h,-l}
  9   0.914   9.02   0.90  535448  0.169 *** 3-fold l ( 0 0 1) {k,-h-k,l}{-h-k,h,l}
 10   0.915   9.00   0.90  537218  0.170 *** 6-fold l ( 0 0 1) {h+k,-h,l}{-k,h+k,l}


Time to determine pointgroup:    9.090 secs

Acceptable Laue groups have scores above  0.20

Scores for all possible Laue groups which are sub-groups of lattice group

Note that correlation coefficients are from intensities approximately normalised
by resolution, so will be worse than the usual values
Rmeas is the multiplicity weighted R-factor

Lklhd is a likelihood measure, a probability used in the ranking of space groups

Z-scores are from combined scores for all symmetry elements
in the sub-group (Z+) or not in sub-group (Z-)

    NetZ = Z+ - Z-

Net Z-scores are calculated for correlation coefficients (cc)
The point-group Z-scores Zc are calculated  
    as the Zcc-scores recalculated for all symmetry elements for or against,

CC- and R- are the correlation coefficients and R-factors for symmetry elements not in the group

Delta is maximum angular difference (degrees) between original cell
and cell with symmetry constraints imposed

The reindex operator converts original index scheme into the conventional
scheme for sub-group

Accepted Laue groups are marked '>'
The HKLIN Laue group is marked '=' if accepted, '-' if rejected


   Laue Group        Lklhd   NetZc  Zc+   Zc-    CC    CC-  Rmeas   R-  Delta ReindexOperator

> 1  P 6/m m m  ***  1.000   9.06  9.06  0.00   0.91  0.00   0.16  0.00   0.0 [h,k,l]
  2   P -3 1 m       0.000  -0.01  9.06  9.07   0.91  0.91   0.16  0.16   0.0 [h,k,l]
- 3   P -3 m 1       0.000  -0.00  9.06  9.07   0.91  0.91   0.16  0.16   0.0 [h,k,l]
  4    C m m m       0.000   0.04  9.09  9.05   0.91  0.90   0.16  0.17   0.0 [h+k,-h+k,l]
  5    C m m m       0.000   0.08  9.12  9.03   0.91  0.90   0.15  0.17   0.0 [-k,2h+k,l]
  6      P 6/m       0.000   0.09  9.12  9.03   0.91  0.90   0.15  0.17   0.0 [h,k,l]
  7    C m m m       0.000   0.23  9.21  8.98   0.92  0.90   0.14  0.17   0.0 [h,h+2k,l]
  8  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.01  9.07  9.06   0.91  0.91   0.15  0.16   0.0 [h-k,h+k,l]
  9  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.01  9.07  9.06   0.91  0.91   0.16  0.16   0.0 [h+k,-h+k,l]
 10  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.04  9.10  9.06   0.91  0.91   0.15  0.16   0.0 [2h+k,k,l]
 11  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.05  9.10  9.06   0.91  0.91   0.15  0.16   0.0 [-k,2h+k,l]
 12       P -3       0.000   0.06  9.11  9.05   0.91  0.91   0.15  0.16   0.0 [h,k,l]
 13  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.15  9.19  9.04   0.92  0.90   0.14  0.17   0.0 [h,h+2k,l]
 14  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.17  9.20  9.03   0.92  0.90   0.14  0.17   0.0 [h+2k,-h,l]
 15  P 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.22  9.24  9.02   0.92  0.90   0.13  0.17   0.0 [k,l,h]
 16       P -1       0.000   0.18  9.22  9.05   0.92  0.90   0.13  0.16   0.0 [-h,-k,l]



Testing Lauegroups for systematic absences

I' is intensity adjusted by subtraction of a small fraction (0.02, NEIGHBOUR)
 of the neighbouring intensities, to allow for possible overlap

$TABLE: Axial reflections, axis c (lattice frame) screw axis 6(3):
$GRAPHS:I/sigI vs. index, axis c, screw axis 6(3):N:1,4,5:
:I vs. index, axis c, screw axis 6(3):N:1,2:
   Index          I       sigI    I/sigI   I'/sigI   $$ $$
       4          1          3      0.43      0.43
       5         -0          2     -0.14      0.00
       6       2682        186     14.42     14.42
       7          1          2      0.56      0.00
       8          1          1      0.68      0.66
       9         -1          1     -0.53      0.00
      10          1          1      0.70      0.68
      11          1          2      0.90      0.47
      12         31          3     11.57     11.55
      13          2          2      1.14      0.70
      14          3          2      1.91      1.89
      15         -2          2     -0.88      0.00
      16         23          3      6.75      6.75
      17         -3          3     -1.36      0.00
      18        208         21      9.99      9.99
      19         -1          3     -0.21      0.00
      20         66          7      9.08      9.08
      21         -0          3     -0.13      0.00
      22         22          4      5.88      5.87
      23          3          3      1.13      0.00
      24       3501        344     10.19     10.19
      25         -2          3     -0.62      0.00
      26         56          7      8.47      8.46
      27          1          3      0.40      0.04
      28          2          3      0.58      0.54
      29          6          3      1.66      0.00
      30        858         85     10.15     10.15
      31          2          4      0.69      0.00
      32         73          8      8.68      8.67
      33          1          4      0.33      0.00
      34        120         13      9.37      9.37
      35         -4          4     -0.93      0.00
      36        182         19      9.71      9.71
      37         -3          4     -0.82      0.00
      38         62          8      7.92      7.92
      39         -2          4     -0.37      0.00
      40         82         10      8.57      8.56
      41          4          5      0.93      0.48
      42         20          5      3.79      3.77
      43         -2          5     -0.40      0.00
      44         93         11      8.54      8.54
      45         -3          5     -0.58      0.00
      46        290         30      9.84      9.83
      47          8          6      1.35      0.00
      48       1451        143     10.15     10.15
      49          6          6      1.01      0.00
      50         43          7      5.82      5.81
      51         -1          6     -0.21      0.00
      52        238         25      9.68      9.67
      53         13          6      2.07      1.00
      54         93         11      8.18      8.16
      56        280         29      9.77      9.76
      57          8          6      1.31      0.33
      58         14          6      2.29      2.25
      59          6          6      0.99      0.31
      60        190         20      9.48      9.47
      61         -1          6     -0.14      0.00
      62        188         20      9.47      9.47
      63          0          5      0.05      0.00
      64         37          7      5.44      5.44
      65         -5          5     -0.97      0.00
      66         74         10      7.80      7.80
      67         -4          5     -0.82      0.00
      68          5          5      0.97      0.95
      69          5          5      0.85      0.84
      70         -0          6     -0.07      0.00
      71         -5          5     -0.84      0.00
      72         52          8      6.61      6.61
      73          1          5      0.11      0.00
      74         -0          5     -0.00      0.00
      75          0          5      0.04      0.00
      76         10          5      1.91      1.91
      77         -1          5     -0.26      0.00
      78        542         54     10.03     10.03
      79         -2          5     -0.45      0.00
      80          4          5      0.70      0.70
      81         -5          5     -0.94      0.00
      82         46          7      6.21      6.21
      83         -5          5     -0.98      0.00
      84          7          5      1.27      1.26
      85          1          5      0.19      0.10
      86         19          4      4.55      4.53
      87          4          4      1.03      0.92
      88          2          4      0.41      1.17
      89         -0          4     -0.03      0.00
      90        418         30     14.05     14.05
      91         -0          4     -0.02      0.00
      92          7          4      1.96      1.95
      93          1          3      0.23      0.21
      94          6          3      1.84      1.83
      95          1          3      0.32      0.37
      96          1          3      0.27      0.57
      97         -7          3     -2.27      0.00

Each 'zone' (axis or plane) in which some reflections may be systematically absent
are scored by Fourier analysis of I'/sigma(I). 'PeakHeight' is the value
in Fourier space at the relevent point (eg at 1/2 for a 2(1) axis)
relative to the origin. This has an ideal value of 1.0 if the corresponding
symmetry element is present. Zone directions (a,b,c) shown here are in the
lattice group frame

'Probability' is an estimate of how likely the element is to be  present


         Zone                Number PeakHeight  SD  Probability  ReflectionCondition

Zones for Laue group P 6/m m m
 1 screw axis 6(3) [c]          115   0.957   0.095   *** 1.000   00l: l=2n
 1 screw axis 6(2) [c]          115   0.248   0.068       0.000   00l: l=3n
 1 screw axis 6(1) [c]          115   0.244   0.069       0.000   00l: l=6n


Time for systematic absence tests:    0.650 secs

Possible spacegroups:
Indistinguishable space groups are grouped together on successive lines

'Reindex' is the operator to convert from the input hklin frame to the standard spacegroup frame.

'TotProb' is a total probability estimate (unnormalised)

'SysAbsProb' is an estimate of the probability of the space group based on
the observed systematic absences.

'Conditions' are the reflection conditions (absences)

   Spacegroup         TotProb SysAbsProb     Reindex         Conditions

      P 63 2 2 (182)    1.000  1.000                         00l: l=2n (zone 1)


Space group confidence (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     1.00

Laue group confidence  (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     1.00

Selecting space group P 63 2 2 as there is a single space group with the highest score

<!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> $TEXT:Result: $$ $$
Best Solution:    space group P 63 2 2

   Reindex operator:                   [h,k,l]                 
   Laue group probability:             1.000
   Systematic absence probability:     1.000
   Total probability:                  1.000
   Space group confidence:             1.000
   Laue group confidence               1.000

   Unit cell:   134.22  134.22  182.66      90.00   90.00  120.00

   49.03 to   2.45   - Resolution range used for Laue group search

   49.03 to   1.58   - Resolution range in file, used for systematic absence check

   Number of batches in file:    900

WARNING: the L-test suggests that the data may be twinned,
   so the indicated Laue symmetry may be too high
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from cumulative N(|L|) plot 0.139 +/-(0.022)
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from < |L| >    0.127
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from < L^2 >    0.114

$$ <!--SUMMARY_END-->

HKLIN spacegroup: P 31 2 1  primitive trigonal



Writing unmerged data to file /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/ccp4/XDS_016_pointless.mtz  in space group P 63 2 2

   Reindexing operator         [h,k,l]

   Real space transformation   (x,y,z)

 * Title:

 From XDS file XDS_ASCII.HKL, XDS run on 11-Jan-2019 from images /home/

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 XDSproject
            134.2220  134.2220  182.6650   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000

 * Number of Columns = 13

 * Number of Reflections = 1649296

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Number of Batches = 900

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H Y B J Q R R R R R I

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

  134.2220  134.2220  182.6650   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00042    0.39938     (     49.034 -      1.582 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     4     5

 * Space group = 'P 63 2 2' (number     182)

  (spacegroup is known)

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please cite $$
P.R.Evans, 'Scaling and assessment  of data quality' Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82  (2006).
<a href="";>
P.R.Evans, 'An introduction to data reduction: space-group determination, scaling and intensity statistics' Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292 (2011)
<a href="";>

#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 15 Jan 2019  13:42:21
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task completed successfully

#CCP4I VERSION CCP4Interface 7.0.051
#CCP4I SCRIPT LOG pointless
#CCP4I DATE 15 Jan 2019  13:42:14
#CCP4I USER user
#CCP4I PROJECT donghyuk_d011_x024
#CCP4I SCRATCH /tmp/user
#CCP4I HOSTNAME localhost.localdomain
#CCP4I PID 31683

 ### CCP4 7.0.051: POINTLESS         version 1.11.8 : 19/12/17##
 User: user  Run date: 15/ 1/2019 Run time: 13:42:14 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 2011.
 "Overview of the CCP4 suite and current developments". Acta Cryst. D67, 235-242.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

==== Input command lines ====

XDSIN /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/process_donghyuk/xds_018/XDS_ASCII.HKL
HKLOUT /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/ccp4/XDS_018_pointless.mtz
## This script run with the command   ##########
# /home/user/Downloads/destination/ccp4-7.0/bin/pointless

====     End of input    ====

Release Date: 19th December 2017

        *                                                    *
        *                     POINTLESS                      *
        *                       1.11.8                       *
        *                                                    *
        *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
        *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
        * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
        *                                                    *

Reading XDS ascii file from file /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/process_donghyuk/xds_018/XDS_ASCII.HKL

Header lines:

!Generated by CORRECT   (VERSION Jan 26, 2018  BUILT=20180808)
!NAME_TEMPLATE_OF_DATA_FRAMES=/home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/x024_C11_1_??????.h5 GENERIC
!DATA_RANGE=       1     900
!ROTATION_AXIS=  0.999999  0.001139 -0.000341
!STARTING_ANGLE=     0.000
!INCLUDE_RESOLUTION_RANGE=    50.000     1.584
!UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS=    67.149    67.149   182.749  90.000  90.000 120.000
!UNIT_CELL_A-AXIS=    -4.819    -6.577    66.652
!UNIT_CELL_B-AXIS=    18.484    58.780   -26.688
!UNIT_CELL_C-AXIS=  -175.139    51.637    -7.567
!BEAM_DIVERGENCE_E.S.D.=     0.031
!X-RAY_WAVELENGTH=  0.999987
!INCIDENT_BEAM_DIRECTION= -0.001905 -0.001169  1.000010
!POLARIZATION_PLANE_NORMAL=  0.000000  1.000000  0.000000
!AIR=  0.000339
!SILICON=  3.942720
!OVERLOAD=   3000000
!NX=  4150  NY=  4371    QX=  0.075000  QY=  0.075000
!ORGX=   2066.53  ORGY=   2186.22
!DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_X-AXIS=   1.00000   0.00000   0.00000
!DIRECTION_OF_DETECTOR_Y-AXIS=   0.00000   1.00000   0.00000
!VARIANCE_MODEL=  1.377E+00  4.333E-03

Matrix to transform XDS axis system to CCP4 frame:
| 0.0003423, -0.001166,         1|
|  0.001139,        -1, -0.001167|
|         1,  0.001139, -0.000341|

Matrix to transform XDS detector coordinates to CCP4 frame:
| 0.0003423, -0.001166,         1|
|  0.001139,        -1, -0.001167|
|         1,  0.001139, -0.000341|

Rotation axis in CCP4 frame: ( 0.000  0.000  1.000)

Incident beam in CCP4 frame: ( 1.000  0.000 -0.002)

  412568 observations accepted
         Resolution range   49.060    1.584
   17820 accepted incomplete observations with PART < 0.98, minimum 0.75
    6679 observations flagged as MISFITS in XDS: KEEP MISFIT in Aimless to accept

Reconstructing orientation matrix [U] from  199 observations
Orientation matrix [U]:
|    0.9163,   -0.3984,  -0.04202|
|   -0.3933,   -0.8746,   -0.2837|
|   0.07625,    0.2764,    -0.958|
      Determinant = 1.000

Time for reading file(s):    1.080 secs


>*> Summary of test data read in:
   Resolution range accepted:    49.06        1.58

   Number of reflections      =         61295
   Number of observations     =        412568
   Number of parts            =        412568
   Number of batches in file  =           900
   Number of datasets         =             1
      Project: XDSproject Crystal: XDScrystal Dataset: XDSdataset
      Run number:   1 consists of batches 1 - 900
         Resolution range for run:    49.06        1.58
         Phi range:     0.00 to   135.00   Time range:     0.00 to   135.00
         Closest reciprocal axis to spindle: c* (angle   16.7 degrees)
   Unit cell for dataset:    67.15   67.15  182.75   90.00   90.00  120.00
         Wavelength:  0.99999

Numbers of observations marked in the FLAG column
By default all flagged observations are rejected
Observations may be counted in more than one category

                             Flagged  Accepted   Maximum   MaxAccepted
   BGratio too large              0       0       0.000       0.000
   PKratio too large              0       0       0.000       0.000
   Negative < 5sigma              0       0
   Gradient too large             0       0       0.000       0.000
   Profile-fitted overloads       0       0
   Spots on edge                  0       0
   XDS misfits (outliers)      6679       0


Number of reflections  =             61295
Number of observations =            412568
Average multiplicity =                 6.7

Resolution range in list:      49.06 ->   1.58
Intensity normalisation: B-factor =  -18.5  +  -0.0050 * time  (final B -19.2)

Estimation of useful resolution for point group determination:
Point group correlation statistics are not reliable for very weak data,
so a high resolution cutoff (for this purpose only) is estimated either
 from CC(1/2) using P1 (Friedel) symmetry (limit  0.60), or
 from Mean(I/sigma(I)) (limit   4.20), if there are sufficient data

High-resolution estimate from CC(1/2):      2.33
High-resolution estimate from <I/sig(I)>:   2.97

High resolution limit reset to 2.33   using CC(1/2) cutoff (in P1)

$TABLE: Mn(I/sigI) and CC(1/2) [in P1] vs. resolution:
$GRAPHS:Resolution estimate 2.33A:0.000415476|0.398716x0|1:2,4,6,7,9:
  N  1/d^2    Dmid CC(1/2)   N_CC   CCfit  Mn(I/sigI)      N (I/sigI)/10   $$ $$
  1  0.0071  11.91   0.999    840   0.999       12.56   1833       1.256
  2  0.0203   7.01   0.998   1618   0.998       11.64   3763       1.164
  3  0.0336   5.45   0.993   2070   0.996       11.20   5127       1.120
  4  0.0469   4.62   0.991   2527   0.994       11.24   6387       1.124
  5  0.0602   4.08   0.988   2224   0.991       10.98   5606       1.098
  6  0.0734   3.69   0.982   1700   0.986        9.92   4297       0.992
  7  0.0867   3.40   0.976   2334   0.978        7.77   6069       0.777
  8  0.1000   3.16   0.975   3530   0.966        6.30   9361       0.630
  9  0.1133   2.97   0.953   4376   0.947        5.09  11368       0.509
 10  0.1265   2.81   0.902   4721   0.918        4.03  12230       0.403
 11  0.1398   2.67   0.874   3082   0.876        3.17   7876       0.317
 12  0.1531   2.56   0.794   5357   0.817        2.57  13775       0.257
 13  0.1664   2.45   0.727   5742   0.737        2.16  14427       0.216
 14  0.1797   2.36   0.612   5911   0.639        1.75  14568       0.175
 15  0.1929   2.28   0.574   3628   0.527        1.53   9033       0.153
 16  0.2062   2.20   0.466   5316   0.413        1.29  12743       0.129
 17  0.2195   2.13   0.283   6041   0.307        1.05  13256       0.105
 18  0.2328   2.07   0.208   3750   0.219        0.94   7831       0.094
 19  0.2460   2.02   0.120   6605   0.150        0.81  13102       0.081
 20  0.2593   1.96   0.089   4092   0.100        0.79   7768       0.079
 21  0.2726   1.92   0.070   3451   0.066        0.72   6202       0.072
 22  0.2859   1.87   0.034   5204   0.042        0.67   8864       0.067
 23  0.2991   1.83   0.017   6852   0.027        0.63  11378       0.063
 24  0.3124   1.79   0.039   5453   0.017        0.61   9038       0.061
 25  0.3257   1.75   0.003   4496   0.011        0.57   7095       0.057
 26  0.3390   1.72   0.009   2381   0.007        0.40   2857       0.040
 27  0.3522   1.68   0.005   3359   0.004        0.41   4234       0.041
 28  0.3655   1.65  -0.021   2800   0.003        0.31   2746       0.031
 29  0.3788   1.62   0.002   2302   0.002        0.21   1601       0.021
 30  0.3921   1.60  -0.060    635   0.001        0.30    933       0.030

Checking for possible twinning
L-test for twinning (acentrics only) to maximum resolution    2.329
 Neighbouring reflections for test are +- 2 on h,k,l

$TABLE: L-test for twinning, twin fraction 0.279:
$GRAPHS:Cumulative distribution of |L|, estimated fraction 0.279:N:1,2,3,4:
      |L|       N(|L|)  Untwinned    Twinned   $$ $$
     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000     0.0000
     0.0500     0.0728     0.0500     0.0749
     0.1000     0.1447     0.1000     0.1495
     0.1500     0.2151     0.1500     0.2233
     0.2000     0.2845     0.2000     0.2960
     0.2500     0.3523     0.2500     0.3672
     0.3000     0.4179     0.3000     0.4365
     0.3500     0.4818     0.3500     0.5036
     0.4000     0.5436     0.4000     0.5680
     0.4500     0.6030     0.4500     0.6294
     0.5000     0.6598     0.5000     0.6875
     0.5500     0.7138     0.5500     0.7418
     0.6000     0.7641     0.6000     0.7920
     0.6500     0.8110     0.6500     0.8377
     0.7000     0.8538     0.7000     0.8785
     0.7500     0.8915     0.7500     0.9141
     0.8000     0.9244     0.8000     0.9440
     0.8500     0.9525     0.8500     0.9679
     0.9000     0.9744     0.9000     0.9855
     0.9500     0.9902     0.9500     0.9963
     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000     1.0000
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from cumulative N(|L|) plot 0.286 (+/-0.025)
   < |L| >:    0.392 (0.5 untwinned, 0.375 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < |L| >    0.279
   < L^2 >:    0.219 (0.333 untwinned, 0.2 perfect twin)
      Estimated twin fraction alpha from < L^2 >    0.263

WARNING: the L-test suggests that the data may be twinned,
  so the indicated Laue symmetry may be too high
Note that the estimate of the twin fraction from the L-test is not very accurate,
  particularly for high twin fractions. Better estimates from other tests need knowledge of
  the point group and the twin operator, which are not available here

Time for twinning test    1.400 secs


- - - - Checking for possible non-primitive lattice absences in a primitive lattice

Resolution range used in test:    49.1 to    2.33

For each lattice centering type, divide reflections into systematically present
   and systematically absent groups

Systematic absences expected for different lattice centering types
  A         k+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  B         h+l = 2n   (unconventional setting, usually C)
  C         h+k = 2n
  I         h+k+l = 2n
  F         h,k,l all = 2n or h,k,l all != 2n
  R:H      -h+k+l = 3n (hexagonal axes)
Key to table:
     N             number of putative 'absent' observations in that lattice
  < I >present     mean intensity for 'present' reflections
  < I >absent      mean intensity for 'absent' reflections
  < E^2 >present   mean I/sig(I)  for 'present' reflections
  < E^2 >absent    mean I/sig(I)  for 'absent' reflections, usually = 1.0, ~=0 if centered

Since the lattice could possibly be rhombohedral, test for obverse/reverse twin: 
  there are 4 classes of reflections defined by combinations of 2 tests:
    O = (-h+k+l == 3n)  and  V = (h-k+l == 3n)

 Then the classes are:
1.    O && notV  reflection in domain 1 only, l not= 3n, 2/9 of total (O, V present)
2.   notO &&  V  reflection in domain 2 only, l not= 3n, 2/9 of total (O, V absent)
3.    O &&  V    reflection from both domains, l = 3n, 1/9 of total (O&&V present)
4.   notO && notV  absent in both domains, any l, 4/9 of total (O&&V absent)

   LatticeType    Overall      A        B        C        I        F        R       O, V     O&&V  

      N            154989    77588    77526    77490    77529   116302   103322    34430    68892

  < I >present        167      167      167      166      167      166      168      168      168
  < I >absent                  167      166      167      166      167      166      170      164

  < E^2 >present     1.00     1.01     1.01     1.00     1.00     1.01     1.01     1.01     1.01
  < E^2 >absent               1.00     1.00     1.01     1.00     1.00     1.00     1.01     0.99

 Centering probability        0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00     0.00

No extra lattice symmetry found

- - - -
Time for lattice absence test    0.030 secs

Model for expectation(CC) = E(m) if symmetry is absent P(m;!S) = (1-m^k)^(1/k) with k =  4.2

Unit cell (from HKLIN file) used to derive lattice symmetry with tolerance   2.0 degrees
  67.15  67.15 182.75  90.00  90.00 120.00

Tolerance (and delta) is the maximum deviation from the
 expected angle between two-fold axes in the lattice group

Lattice point group: P 6 2 2
Reindexing or changing symmetry
Reindex operator from input cell to lattice cell: [h,k,l]

   h'   = ( h k l ) (       1       0       0 )
                    (       0       1       0 )
                    (       0       0       1 )

Lattice unit cell after reindexing: deviation 0.00 degrees
  67.15  67.15 182.75  90.00  90.00 120.00

       1 pairs rejected for E^2 too large
Overall CC for 20000 unrelated pairs:  -0.002  N= 20000, high resolution limit   2.33

    Estimated expectation value of true correlation coefficient E(CC) =  0.659

    Estimated sd(CC) = 1.030 / Sqrt(N)

Estimated E(CC) of true correlation coefficient from identity =  0.823


Analysing rotational symmetry in lattice group P 6/m m m


Scores for each symmetry element

Nelmt  Lklhd  Z-cc    CC        N  Rmeas    Symmetry & operator (in Lattice Cell)

  1   0.889   9.01   0.90   58380  0.071     identity
  2   0.885   9.08   0.91  115275  0.073 **  2-fold l ( 0 0 1) {-h,-k,l}
  3   0.891   8.98   0.90  104855  0.089 **  2-fold k ( 0 1 0) {-h,h+k,-l}
  4   0.899   8.85   0.88   88548  0.097 **  2-fold h ( 1 0 0) {h+k,-k,-l}
  5   0.903   8.78   0.88  103746  0.101 *** 2-fold   ( 1-1 0) {-k,-h,-l}
  6   0.890   9.00   0.90  103885  0.087 **  2-fold   ( 2-1 0) {h,-h-k,-l}
  7   0.900   8.82   0.88   87518  0.097 *** 2-fold   (-1 2 0) {-h-k,k,-l}
  8   0.903   8.77   0.88  101551  0.101 *** 2-fold   ( 1 1 0) {k,h,-l}
  9   0.897   8.88   0.89  182326  0.093 **  3-fold l ( 0 0 1) {k,-h-k,l}{-h-k,h,l}
 10   0.897   8.88   0.89  182892  0.092 **  6-fold l ( 0 0 1) {h+k,-h,l}{-k,h+k,l}


Time to determine pointgroup:    2.890 secs

Acceptable Laue groups have scores above  0.20

Scores for all possible Laue groups which are sub-groups of lattice group

Note that correlation coefficients are from intensities approximately normalised
by resolution, so will be worse than the usual values
Rmeas is the multiplicity weighted R-factor

Lklhd is a likelihood measure, a probability used in the ranking of space groups

Z-scores are from combined scores for all symmetry elements
in the sub-group (Z+) or not in sub-group (Z-)

    NetZ = Z+ - Z-

Net Z-scores are calculated for correlation coefficients (cc)
The point-group Z-scores Zc are calculated  
    as the Zcc-scores recalculated for all symmetry elements for or against,

CC- and R- are the correlation coefficients and R-factors for symmetry elements not in the group

Delta is maximum angular difference (degrees) between original cell
and cell with symmetry constraints imposed

The reindex operator converts original index scheme into the conventional
scheme for sub-group

Accepted Laue groups are marked '>'
The HKLIN Laue group is marked '=' if accepted, '-' if rejected


   Laue Group        Lklhd   NetZc  Zc+   Zc-    CC    CC-  Rmeas   R-  Delta ReindexOperator

> 1  P 6/m m m  ***  1.000   8.90  8.90  0.00   0.89  0.00   0.09  0.00   0.0 [h,k,l]
- 2   P -3 m 1       0.000  -0.02  8.89  8.91   0.89  0.89   0.09  0.09   0.0 [h,k,l]
  3   P -3 1 m       0.000  -0.02  8.89  8.91   0.89  0.89   0.09  0.09   0.0 [h,k,l]
  4    C m m m       0.000   0.01  8.91  8.90   0.89  0.89   0.09  0.09   0.0 [h+k,-h+k,l]
  5    C m m m       0.000   0.06  8.94  8.88   0.89  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [-k,2h+k,l]
  6      P 6/m       0.000   0.09  8.95  8.86   0.90  0.89   0.08  0.10   0.0 [h,k,l]
  7    C m m m       0.000   0.19  9.02  8.83   0.90  0.88   0.08  0.10   0.0 [h,h+2k,l]
  8  C 1 2/m 1       0.000  -0.02  8.88  8.91   0.89  0.89   0.09  0.09   0.0 [h-k,h+k,l]
  9  C 1 2/m 1       0.000  -0.02  8.88  8.91   0.89  0.89   0.09  0.09   0.0 [h+k,-h+k,l]
 10  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.01  8.91  8.90   0.89  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [2h+k,k,l]
 11  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.03  8.92  8.90   0.89  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [-k,2h+k,l]
 12       P -3       0.000   0.04  8.94  8.89   0.89  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [h,k,l]
 13  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.11  8.99  8.88   0.90  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [h,h+2k,l]
 14  C 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.12  9.00  8.88   0.90  0.89   0.08  0.09   0.0 [h+2k,-h,l]
 15  P 1 2/m 1       0.000   0.18  9.05  8.87   0.90  0.89   0.07  0.09   0.0 [k,l,h]
 16       P -1       0.000   0.12  9.01  8.89   0.90  0.89   0.07  0.09   0.0 [-h,-k,l]



Testing Lauegroups for systematic absences

I' is intensity adjusted by subtraction of a small fraction (0.02, NEIGHBOUR)
 of the neighbouring intensities, to allow for possible overlap

$TABLE: Axial reflections, axis c (lattice frame) screw axis 6(3):
$GRAPHS:I/sigI vs. index, axis c, screw axis 6(3):N:1,4,5:
:I vs. index, axis c, screw axis 6(3):N:1,2:
   Index          I       sigI    I/sigI   I'/sigI   $$ $$
       4          1          5      0.24      0.24
       5         -0          3     -0.03      0.00
       6       2345        128     18.27     18.27
       7          1          2      0.45      0.00
       8          1          2      0.47      0.46
       9         -1          2     -0.27      0.00
      10          1          2      0.37      0.36
      11          1          2      0.58      0.30
      12         27          2     11.56     11.54
      13          1          2      0.72      0.42
      14          2          2      1.19      1.18
      15         -1          3     -0.43      0.00
      16         21          3      6.53      6.53
      17         -3          3     -0.97      0.00
      18        196         16     12.45     12.45
      19          0          3      0.07      0.00
      20         64          6     10.53     10.53
      21         -1          3     -0.23      0.00
      22         23          4      6.07      6.06
      23          2          3      0.60      0.00
      24       3406        264     12.93     12.93
      25         -3          3     -0.78      0.00
      26         56          6      9.53      9.52
      27          1          4      0.33      0.00
      28          2          4      0.67      0.64
      29          5          4      1.33      0.00
      30        850         66     12.83     12.83
      31          2          4      0.41      0.00
      32         72          7      9.90      9.90
      33          0          4      0.11      0.00
      34        119         11     11.16     11.16
      35         -3          4     -0.60      0.00
      36        187         16     11.88     11.88
      37         -3          4     -0.75      0.00
      38         65          7      8.78      8.78
      39         -2          5     -0.34      0.00
      40         87          9      9.85      9.84
      41          4          5      0.92      0.47
      42         22          5      4.08      4.06
      43         -3          5     -0.56      0.00
      44         96         10      9.75      9.75
      45         -1          6     -0.23      0.00
      46        300         25     12.15     12.15
      47          7          6      1.17      0.00
      48       1500        117     12.84     12.84
      49          3          6      0.55      0.00
      50         47          8      6.16      6.15
      51         -1          6     -0.24      0.00
      52        248         21     11.84     11.83
      53         12          7      1.88      0.82
      54         97         11      9.16      9.14
      56        297         25     12.03     12.03
      57          7          7      1.05      0.10
      58         14          7      2.16      2.12
      59          6          6      0.85      0.18
      60        202         18     11.46     11.45
      61         -2          6     -0.36      0.00
      62        200         17     11.47     11.47
      63         -1          6     -0.14      0.00
      64         41          7      5.84      5.84
      65         -4          6     -0.78      0.00
      66         85          9      9.07      9.07
      67         -3          6     -0.50      0.00
      68          7          6      1.17      1.16
      69          5          6      0.81      0.78
      70          1          6      0.15      0.14
      71         -4          6     -0.76      0.00
      72         54          7      7.15      7.15
      73         -1          6     -0.16      0.00
      74          0          6      0.02      0.01
      75          2          6      0.41      0.36
      76         12          6      2.12      2.11
      77         -4          6     -0.73      0.00
      78        576         46     12.59     12.59
      79         -2          6     -0.32      0.00
      80          4          6      0.66      0.66
      81         -5          6     -0.84      0.00
      82         55          8      6.86      6.86
      83         -7          6     -1.17      0.00
      84          7          6      1.20      1.19
      85          2          6      0.43      0.33
      86         21          4      4.69      4.67
      87          3          4      0.80      0.68
      88          4          4      0.98      1.24
      89         -2          4     -0.37      0.00
      90        444         25     17.54     17.54
      91         -2          4     -0.42      0.00
      92          6          4      1.68      1.68
      93          1          4      0.16      0.13
      94          4          4      1.26      1.26
      95          0          3      0.06      0.24
      96          2          3      0.57      0.56
      97         -6          3     -1.77      0.00

Each 'zone' (axis or plane) in which some reflections may be systematically absent
are scored by Fourier analysis of I'/sigma(I). 'PeakHeight' is the value
in Fourier space at the relevent point (eg at 1/2 for a 2(1) axis)
relative to the origin. This has an ideal value of 1.0 if the corresponding
symmetry element is present. Zone directions (a,b,c) shown here are in the
lattice group frame

'Probability' is an estimate of how likely the element is to be  present


         Zone                Number PeakHeight  SD  Probability  ReflectionCondition

Zones for Laue group P 6/m m m
 1 screw axis 6(3) [c]          115   0.969   0.054   *** 1.000   00l: l=2n
 1 screw axis 6(2) [c]          115   0.279   0.050       0.000   00l: l=3n
 1 screw axis 6(1) [c]          115   0.274   0.050       0.000   00l: l=6n


Time for systematic absence tests:    0.280 secs

Possible spacegroups:
Indistinguishable space groups are grouped together on successive lines

'Reindex' is the operator to convert from the input hklin frame to the standard spacegroup frame.

'TotProb' is a total probability estimate (unnormalised)

'SysAbsProb' is an estimate of the probability of the space group based on
the observed systematic absences.

'Conditions' are the reflection conditions (absences)

   Spacegroup         TotProb SysAbsProb     Reindex         Conditions

      P 63 2 2 (182)    1.000  1.000                         00l: l=2n (zone 1)


Space group confidence (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     1.00

Laue group confidence  (= Sqrt(Score * (Score - NextBestScore))) =     1.00

Selecting space group P 63 2 2 as there is a single space group with the highest score

<!--SUMMARY_BEGIN--> $TEXT:Result: $$ $$
Best Solution:    space group P 63 2 2

   Reindex operator:                   [h,k,l]                 
   Laue group probability:             1.000
   Systematic absence probability:     1.000
   Total probability:                  1.000
   Space group confidence:             1.000
   Laue group confidence               1.000

   Unit cell:    67.15   67.15  182.75      90.00   90.00  120.00

   49.06 to   2.33   - Resolution range used for Laue group search

   49.06 to   1.58   - Resolution range in file, used for systematic absence check

   Number of batches in file:    900

WARNING: the L-test suggests that the data may be twinned,
   so the indicated Laue symmetry may be too high
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from cumulative N(|L|) plot 0.286 +/-(0.025)
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from < |L| >    0.279
   Rough estimated twin fraction alpha from < L^2 >    0.263

$$ <!--SUMMARY_END-->

HKLIN spacegroup: P 31 2 1  primitive trigonal



Writing unmerged data to file /home/user/Donghyuk/d011_x024/ccp4/XDS_018_pointless.mtz  in space group P 63 2 2

   Reindexing operator         [h,k,l]

   Real space transformation   (x,y,z)

 * Title:

 From XDS file XDS_ASCII.HKL, XDS run on 11-Jan-2019 from images /home/

 * Base dataset:

        0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

        1 XDSproject
             67.1490   67.1490  182.7490   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000

 * Number of Columns = 13

 * Number of Reflections = 412568

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Number of Batches = 900

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H Y B J Q R R R R R I

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   67.1490   67.1490  182.7490   90.0000   90.0000  120.0000 

 *  Resolution Range :

    0.00042    0.39872     (     49.060 -      1.584 A )

 * Sort Order :

      1     2     3     4     5

 * Space group = 'P 63 2 2' (number     182)

  (spacegroup is known)

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please cite $$
P.R.Evans, 'Scaling and assessment  of data quality' Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82  (2006).
<a href="";>
P.R.Evans, 'An introduction to data reduction: space-group determination, scaling and intensity statistics' Acta Cryst. D67, 282-292 (2011)
<a href="";>

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